I don't understand the following thing. I created a Cube in Blender without any material or texture, just the Cube itself, no light, no camera. Then I exported the Cube. The Cube's name is "car" or "Blender car". Then I loaded it into Babylon. Then I applied babylon's StandartMaterial and diffuseColor to the Cube. But, before that, I created a Box mesh in Babylon itself and applied StandartMaterial and diffuseColor to the Box. The DiffuseColor is exactly the same in both the Blender Cube ("Blender car") and the Babylon Box. BUT, they look DIFFERENT !!! WHY ??? Could anybody make the Blender Cube ("Blender car") look exactly the same as the Babylon Box. Because, I applied the Babylon's StandartMaterial and DiffuseColor. to the blender's Cube. Here is the link to the html file with babylon - http://webnurlan3d.uphero.com/rotationradians.html
And the html file itself - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/M2H3/TtvbFWRqx
Thank you.