Hi everyone, I wanted to point everyone to two examples we just put online. They are part of the examples of a new free service named PlugPIN JS that we just launched. This service turns smartphones into remote controls for games, websites and apps. Here are the two links to the examples, both built with Threejs: 1. Simple Shooter http://surf.plugpin.com/apps/demo-walkthrough/ 2. Remote Controls with Gyro http://surf.plugpin.com/apps/demo-orientation/ The second example is fully documented under "onOrientationChange()" in the Docs. We hope you like it and that it sparks your creativity to make your games interactive by using your smartphone. If you have any questions concerning the examples or the JS Library, then please don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear what you think about it and how you would like to use it. Joost @ PlugPIN