Hey all, have another game for you to check out It's just a quick little timing game to see what kind of simple yet fun real time interactions can be achieved using pixi, spine, node, cocoon, and socket.io. Hit start then press Go to make your shinobi run and Hit to make him slash. You have to slash your opponent. If you slash and miss, you lose. Good luck, it's actually decently hard. If you queue up within two seconds of someone else, you fight each other live! It's pretty fun if you play with people in your immediate vicinity. Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chimera.chimerashinobishowdown Facebook https://apps.facebook.com/nobulljustshinobi/ The art is simple and there's almost 0 polish added. The point was to pump out a game as fast as possible that utilized these technologies. We will probably update the art and possibly add a persistent score and leaderboard. It's not super innovative or pretty, but that's the point. It is decently cute and fun *Screen shots are from phone*