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Hi, I've checked a couple posts on this forum regarding extending classes in Phaser, but get confused on how it exactly works, below is the code I'm trying to implement to add stats to a sprite: class spriteStats extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite { constructor (scene, x, y,myExtra) { super(scene, x, y); this.setTexture('../assets/testsprite.png'); this.setPosition(x, y); } setStats(speed, jump){ var stats = { "speed": speed, "jump": jump, } } getStats(){ return stats } } But when I attempt to create the sprite: var hero = this.add.spriteStats(100, 450, 'hero',0).setInteractive(); hero.setStats(5,5); it gives me a: "Uncaught TypeError: this.add.spriteStats is not a function". I don't think I'm extending the class correctly. Please forgive me, as I'm still relatively new to JavaScript. Thanks!
- When i try to enable p2 physics for a sprite i get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'set' of undefined. for the object.anchor.set(0.5); of @method Phaser.Physics.P2#enableBody. Please check the link above. Also how do i go about debugging in Sandbox? I have tried putting breakpoints in VM#### but a new one starts everytime i refresh or change something so that didn't work.
I downloaded Brackets and opened my files in it, but once I open the html file the canvas is all black and two errors come up. These are, error 1: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) and error 2: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('http://127') does not match the recipient window's origin ('http://127'). *note: I took out some of the numbers in the brackets of the second error since it displays personal data regarding the server. Thanks for any help
i need some help understanding as to what ScaleManager and setScreenSize(true); do. = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;;