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I'm working on a game where the player must complete a level within 30 seconds. If the player succeeds the timer is stopped, a message displays, the next level starts and the timer must be reset to 30 seconds. This all happens within the same Phaser.state. The time display only needs to be updated each second, not in between, so I looked at this example and use a time-object and initialise it with .loop() and then .start() it. When the time runs out or when player wins the timer is stopped with .stop(). The problem is that timer.Start() doesn't seem to work after the timer.Stop() was called. If looked at .pause() and resume() but I think(?) then it can potentially continue mid-second in the next level (time is very important in this game) not sure though.. Here's what I've got so far, I've isolated the code for the clock update in an example test program, see code below. var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create }); var clocktext; // bitmaptext var clocktimer; // Phaser.timer var clockseconds; // integer // ------------------------------------- // PHASER GAME FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------- function preload() { game.load.bitmapFont('myfont', 'myfont.png', 'myfont.xml'); }; function create() { // add texts clocktext = game.add.bitmapText(160, 160, 'myfont', '---', 40); game.add.bitmapText(160, 160+80, 'myfont', 'Press R to reset timer', 40); game.add.bitmapText(160, 160+120, 'myfont', 'Press S to stop timer', 40); // timer object, note timer won't start running yet clocktimer = game.time.create(false); clocktimer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, updateDisplay, this); // handle keyboard keys R and S game.input.keyboard.onDownCallback = HandleKeyDown; clockseconds = 0; } function HandleKeyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode == 82) { initClock() }; // R = reset/init if (e.keyCode == 83) { stopClock() }; // S = stop/pause } function stopClock() { clocktimer.stop(); clocktext.text = "Stop at " + clockseconds + " seconds left"; console.log('stopClock - timer stopped'); } function initClock() { clockseconds = 5+1; // set countdown seconds, +1 because initial display will also decrease with 1 updateDisplay(); // initial display clocktimer.start(); } function updateDisplay() { // count down seconds clockseconds = clockseconds - 1; console.log('updateClock - seconds left: '+clockseconds); // check if time is up if (clockseconds <= 0) { // ohnoes! stopClock(); console.log('updateClock - time is up'); clocktext.text = 'time is up!'; } else { // update display var minutes = Math.floor(clockseconds / 60); var seconds = (clockseconds - minutes * 60); clocktext.text = "time " + (("0"+minutes).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0"+seconds).substr(-2)); }; } btw there's also this thread but that only explains how to start a timer, not how to stop and restart it.