Hello, I have tried Phaser for a couple of weeks and I am trying to create something like a zoom in zoom out functionality on a 2D platformer. I am having trouble with setting the view of the game. I am using Phaser 1.1.3 First Approach: this.camera.screenView.width *= 5;I tried giving a different value for the camera's screenview. Screenview values changed but there are no changes with the camera's view. Second Approach: this.game.world.scale.x = 10I tried giving a different value for the world's scale, but the result is the same with the first approach. Nothing happend Third Approach: gameGroup.setAll('scale.x', 5);platforms.setAll('scale.x', 5);gameGroup.add(platforms);I tried creating a nested group but I was receiving an undefined errors. TypeError: e is undefined @ filephaser.min.js:2 Any ideas, suggestions or samples on how I should do this are welcomed. Thank you