Hi, I've experimented, googled and read the API and I still can't figure this out even though it is extremely simple I want my image to remain in the center of my canvas as it becomes larger. function init() { stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x66FF99); renderer = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(512, 384, document.getElementById("game-canvas")); var midTexture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("resources/mid2.png"); mid = new PIXI.TilingSprite(midTexture, 256, 384); stage.addChild(mid); requestAnimFrame(update); } function update() { mid.scale.x *= 1.001; mid.tilePosition.y += 1.21; // I want it to remain centered as it gets larger, this attempt does not work: mid.position.x = (512 - mid.width) / 2 ; renderer.render(stage); requestAnimFrame(update); }Any help would be appreciated, I have already spent way too long trying to figure this out