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Found 5 results

  1. Team: Author: Raizen (Mauricio Pastana) Designer: Geraldo de Rívia Artist: Kiba Additional Information: Engine: PIXI.js/ RPG Maker MV Progress: 100% Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080) Platforms: Windows, Mac, Android/iOS(Reduced Resolution) Languages: English, Portuguese, Japanese (likely) e Mandarin (likely) So, just showing my card game that will be going out to Steam June 29th! It is a mythological Anime based card-game made on PIXI mostly, some of the VN I used the RPG Maker engine. Below some gameplay and the link to the store page :)! Kamigami: Clash of the Gods no Steam (steampowered.com)
  2. Hi, I am making a Lighting filter for PIXIJS 4 in RPGmaker MV but I've encountered some strange behavior regarding Render Textures. for some strange reason, rendering the scene to a render textures causes the position of the lights to mirror on the Y axis and I have no idea why. here are some photo's of what i mean. Below is a Screenshot of the scene in real time. and this is the resulting render Texture. As you can see, the blue light close to thew center barely moved, while the yellow one moved from the bottom of the screen to the top. neither lights changed in X-axis values. the lights themselves do not move, this only appears in the render texture. the render texture is generated using this code on one of the RPGmaker Events script call, however the effect seems to be affecting all PIXI render textures, including those used by the default engine. here is the code the generate the render texture an make a sprite. the sprite is rendered to the scene. rt = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(1280,720); renderer = Graphics._renderer; renderer.render(SceneManager._scene, rt); sprt = new PIXI.Sprite(rt); SceneManager._scene.addChild(sprt); At first I thought it may have to do with Transformation Matricies within the shader. As far as i know I couln't find anything obvious. here's a test shader I prepared below below. varying vec2 vTextureCoord; uniform sampler2D uSampler; vec4 lightDiffuse(vec2 lposition,vec4 ldiffuse,float lquadratic,float llinear){ float distance=length(lposition-gl_FragCoord.xy); float attenuation=1./(1.+llinear* distance+ lquadratic*(distance*distance)); return ldiffuse*attenuation; } void main(){ vec4 result=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.); vec4 ambience=vec4(.1,.1,.1,1.); //Hard coded light 2 vec2 lPositionA=vec2(720.,200.); vec4 lDiffuseA=vec4(0.,1.,1.,1.); //Hard coded light 1 vec2 lPositionB=vec2(100.,125.); vec4 lDiffuseB=vec4(1.,1.,0.,1.); result+=lightDiffuse(lPositionA,lDiffuseA,.07,.05); result+=lightDiffuse(lPositionB,lDiffuseB,.007,.005); gl_FragColor=vec4(ambience.rgb+result.rgb,1)*texture2D(uSampler,vTextureCoord); } I've also prepared a test plugin for RPG maker that will load said shader and apply it as a filter the the Scenes Spriteset. (essentially Container containing sprites and tile maps but no UI or system sprites). Even with those hard coded values, the issue still arises, hence why I though it may a matrix issue. The plugin loads the loads the shader on start up and stores globally, then when you enter a Map scene, the map sprite will also create a filter for itself that contains the shader code. I can provide a build if its necessary. The code looks for the shader in "/js/Shaders/". the Shaders folter doesnt normally exist in RPGmaker projects. var DSE = DSE || {}; DSE.Lighting = function (_export) { _export.shader = null; function loadShader(name, type) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', '/js/Shaders/' + name + type); xhr.onreadystatechange = _onShaderLoad.bind(this, xhr, type); xhr.send(); } function _onShaderLoad(xhr, type) { console.log("shader loaded?"); if (type == ".frag") { _export.shader = xhr.responseText; } } loadShader("LightTest", ".frag"); /** * @override */ Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer = function () { Spriteset_Base.prototype.createLowerLayer.call(this); this.createParallax(); this.createTilemap(); this.createCharacters(); this.createShadow(); this.createDestination(); this.createLightLayers(); this.createWeather(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLightLayers = function () { console.log(_export.shader); this._filters = [new PIXI.Filter('', _export.shader)]; }; return _export; }({}); upon using both of those files and the script call in a new project the result is the same. I've yet to look in the PIXI JS file itself , but i figured I'd start either the PIXI.Filter or Render texture classes. I'm not sure exactly how they work, but I hope its simple enough. I couldn't find anything on google about this nor on this forums aside from this: https://github.com/pixijs/pixijs/issues/2074 which upon reading seems to be an entirely different issue. Anyway , I'm posting this here, to make sure it isn't something silly I've done rather than a bug with PIXIJs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello! This will be my first post here. RPG Maker MV is a small game engine which uses Pixi.js as it's main codebase. Because of this, pixi filters are compatible with the engine by way of this third party plugin. RPG Maker is a weird and finicky piece of software with a few strange pieces of design, so it's not entirely clear to me how far from standard pixi it is. I am looking to make a custom filter that involves both the limiting of a games palette to a set amount of indexed colors, as well as dithering those colors to create a smoother effect. You can see more details of what I have in mind here. What I want to know is, how would I interface a custom made filter like this with RPG Maker? Would it be relatively plug and play, or will I have to adapt a bunch of stuff to make it work? As a side question, is a dithering filter like this even possible, and if so, is it possible while not being too taxing to the average system? Thanks! I hope to hear from you soon!
  4. I want to play video by means of pixijs. This code below is ok in normal project. But if I put it in RPG Maker MV plugins, it can't play anything, or just play sound with still image. function test(){ app = new PIXI.Application({ width: 600, height: 600, backgroundColor : 0x1099bb, }); app.view.id = "test"; app.view.style.zIndex = 100; app.view.style.position = "absolute"; app.view.style.margin = "auto"; app.view.style.top = "0px"; app.view.style.left = "0px"; app.view.style.right = "0px"; app.view.style.bottom = "0px"; document.body.appendChild(app.view); var texture = PIXI.Texture.fromVideo('test.webm'); videoSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture); app.stage.addChild(videoSprite); }
  5. I am trying to write a plugin for RPG Maker MV, which uses Pixi.js. The problem may be an incompatibility, but I have asked several people now and I just don't know where else to ask. The PIXI Version I tried it on was 4.5.4 Kreaturen.Kampfsystem.StarteKampf = function () { // Kampf Übergang for (var i = 1; i <= Kreaturen.Kampfsystem.KampfÜbergang.AnzahlFrames; i++) { Kampf_Anfang.frames.push(PIXI.Texture.fromImage(Kreaturen.Kampfsystem.KampfÜbergang.Pfad + i + '.png')); } Kampf_Anfang.anim = new PIXI.extras.AnimatedSprite(Kampf_Anfang.frames); console.log(' Kampf_Anfang.anim: ', Kampf_Anfang.anim); Kampf_Anfang.anim.animationSpeed = 0.5; Kampf_Anfang.anim.loop = false; Kampf_Anfang.anim.gotoAndPlay(0); // force reset frame Kampf_Container.addChild(Kampf_Anfang.anim); SceneManager._scene.addChild(Kampf_Container); Kampf_Anfang.anim.onComplete = function() { console.log(88888) Kreaturen.Kampfsystem.KampfAktiv = true; } } Everything works fine, the picture gets displayed but the animation just doesn't play... And because of that the .onComplete function never triggers Does anybody have an idea why this may occur?
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