I'm trying to display 3-dimensional maps with overlays, in the same way as it possible, for example, with leaflet.js.
I have created a sample in the playground: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#HJMHU#7 This displays my region with an overlay for the highwater risk areas. If you wait a little the blue areas disapear. But also the shaded relief disapear.
I have tried a lot with different textures of the material and different lights. I have even looked into BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore. But I haven't found a better solution yet.
Is there a better way to get such fading textures? (If possible without low level C source code)
You can see it implemented on our site http://hmsmap.com/3d/?x_anz=3&y_anz=3&z=11&lat=51.9547&lng=8.2387&tp=OpenStreetMap&op=HW_Gefahrenkarte
Use the second slider in the footer to change the opacity.