I’m looking for a Project Manager with technical knowledge and passionate about HTML5 games. The job will consist in creating an online catalogue of HTML5 games. You will be working closely with a developer and myself.
This is a list of some tasks I foresee:
Create a comprehensive list of game sources. We might license a few games, but we will mainly focus on free games.
Plan how to get and store these games in a database. We might include browser-based Unity games as well.
Design a process to categorize the games by genre and other attributes.
Provide ideas on how to curate the games and add value (providing game walkthroughs, tips, etc.)
Design workflows to automate as much as possible the previous tasks.
Contribute to ideas on how to display our catalog to the end user.
If you think you might be interested, please send me a PM with a few lines mentioning your experience in HTML5 games and technical skills.
Thanks in advance,