Hello everyone! I have been enjoying doing some interesting stuff with pixi. Then I decided to check V3 and was able to change all my projects to the new version. So far so good. Now I see on the site this nice sample http://www.goodboydigital.com/pixijs/pixilights/ I have been trying to mimic the "shadow" that the light does to the presents to no avail. I have checked the examples at http://www.pixijs.com/examples/ but none have this particular feature. I did see the lights example that it is still experimental using the PIXI.lights.WebGLDeferredRendererer(W,H) but that does not give me the shadows to objects and it also separates my objects into two groups: with normals and without normals breaking my z order so I guess my 2 questions would be: 1 - how can I achieve that shadow ( I looked at the presents code and it is obfuscated using require.js , was able to read some, but it will take a while to be able to make sense of it ) 2- Is it possible to have the z order intact using PIXI.lights.WebGLDeferredRendererer ? Thanks for your help!