PolyPong - A single-player, powerup-heavy spin on a classic work.
Hello everybody, I've haunted to forums for a while and thought I'd begin posting my work here as well. PolyPong is based on some ideas presented in Petri Purho's talk, Juice it or Lose it (http://indiegames.com/2012/05/juice_it_or_lose_it_-_a_talk_b.html). I asked myself, "how far can I push something as simple as Pong?" PolyPong is the result. The premise is simple: use the four paddles to keep the constantly spawning balls on the screen. As the game is played, the player receives new powers which alter the way the game is played. PolyPong is easy to pick up and master in a short time--even for people who are not normally very good at games. Play it here: http://creativeinkgames.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/polypong/ I'd love to know any of your thoughts. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! -Ryan