Hi guys, I'm looking for a technique to render planar section cuts through arbitrary geometry in realtime.
For now, I have tested BABYLON.CSG but I found it to be perhaps a bit of a overkill for my case, where all I need is a planar cut (also, I suppose it is not intended to be used in realtime, since it is very slow)
I have also used `scene.clipPlane` which is much more efficient but the clip edges are missing.
I have found a technique that uses stencil buffers to retrieve the missing clip edges http://glbook.gamedev.net/GLBOOK/glbook.gamedev.net/moglgp/advclip.html
It seems possible to use stencil buffers with the BABYLON.JS engine (https://doc.babylonjs.com/classes/3.0/engine#setstencilfunction-stencilfunc-rarr-void), but I'm not sure how to use it to solve my issue :/.
Here is my playground: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#UCFKM#23