Hello, first of all I want to clarify that I've already read this post. My problem is very similar but not the same. Also, there isn't a solution in that thread.
Wich is my problem?
So, I render a bunch of Sprites in the map using a regular PIXI.Container. So far so good, there is no problem there.
When I zoom in, the scale of the sprites gets to little and all of those sprites who aren't beeing focused dissapear when zooming out. I would like to be able to zoom in and out without problems and use the scale property the right way
I hope I made myself clear.
This is my code for the Sprite creation.
And this is function is for the zoom wich is called as a callback of the creation of the pixiOverlay (it executes every time there is an event in the map, such as: creation, zoom in, zoom out, etc)