Trying to make a speech bubble above my characters a-la SCUMM games like monkey island. Text line height is too large and I cant seem to adjust it. Am I missing something or is this not possible? Picture below, line height is twice the size it needs to be. I can see in the source that lineHeight takes stroke into effect, but even without stroke, or wordWrap I see no positive effect. let cfg = { font: '6px arial', fill: this.speechColor, stroke: 'black', strokeThickness: 2, wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 50 }; this._textSprite = new PIXI.Text( speech, cfg ); this._textSprite.resolution = 3; this._textSprite.position.x = this._sprite.position.x; this._textSprite.position.y = this._sprite.position.y - this._sprite.height; this._textSprite.anchor.x = 0; this._textSprite.anchor.y = 1; this._sprite.parent.addChild( this._textSprite );