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Found 14 results

  1. Hi, If you need to outsource a good Pixel Artist, please feel free to contact me anytime. I can do all kinds of Pixel Art. You can see my Portfolio at this link below. https://sites.google.com/view/pixeljay/pixel-art Please email me for a faster transaction: [email protected] Lets do it according to your budget. Thanks
  2. I just want to convert something like this: // In create function var graphics = this.add.graphics(); graphics.fillStyle(0x00605F, 1); graphics.fillRectShape(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 20, 470, 70)); graphics.fillRectShape(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(250, 0, 70, 200)); Into some type of sprite (then to a pixels array) or pixels array. But how would I do that? And how would I get the pixels of a sprite like this: var player = this.add.existing(new Player(this, 300, 200, "player")); (Why am I asking this? Well I want to create this: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/pixelated-collision-experiment/4899192330158080 in Phaser 3)
  3. Now renamed 'Alien Step', is a grid-based action puzzler web game. You play as an alien collecting orbs to beat the levels. Official release v0.9 will be released in this October. But first try my demo (actually named 'Alien Maze Demo #2' before ) ? It comes only 16 levels + 3 tutorial levels (demo only) https://allentthesnouty.itch.io/alien-maze-demo2
  4. Hey, I want to create a scratch card effect, as there are in games with luck and all where you scratch on some image and in the scratched area you can see the image below it. I think this can be done by manipulating pixels somehow, but i am not experienced with pixi and don,t know how to do it exactly. It will be a great help if you point out a way or tutorial to do it, or give a basic code snippet here to help me figure this mechanism out. Regards.
  5. Hi, What's the best approach to avoid anti-alias (blurred pixels) when i scale my game? Thanks.
  6. Hi, it is my first post in this forum because I have a question with no answer. I have to draw differents spheres which represent the location of some cities (coordinates UTM). Firstly I have done the conversion to x,y pixels on screen. However after apply the ecuations the sphere doesnt appear, so the question is: which is the reference system that BabylonJS uses? If I define the positon of sphere for example position.x=8, it appear in the limit of screen.What is the meaning of the value 8? Thanks, JuanMa.
  7. Is it possible to count the number of visible pixels that have been drawn on a graphics object? I know its possible on BitmapData object through ImageData.data array, but I can't find that sort of thing in the graphics object and I need to use the graphics for masking. I want to calculate the percentage of how much of a sprite has been painted over by the graphics.
  8. I'm creating a game targeted at multiple mobile devices including ios, android and RIM blackberry. All these devices have multiple screen resolutions and varying aspect ratio's. My game is a side scroller, similar to Run-Pixie-Run. I quite like the idea of scaling the tiles / sprites up to match the vertical resolution of the screen, and then just exposing more or less of the right-hand-side depending on the horizontal resolution, as is done in Run-Pixie-Run. What is the best strategy for this? Is there support in Phaser / Pixi to assist with this? I attach 3 image examples of how Run-Pixie-Run scales.
  9. Jambutters

    Counting pixels?

    Yello, newbie here. My short story: I've been (re)watching tutorial series on web development and programming for.... about 4 years...I end up quitting due to distraction/preoccupation with other games, then find myself grinding tutorials when I have the urge to re learn(which is once a month or so). Now, since I'm out of school and no longer addicted to any particular games, I've been getting some hands on experience for the past couple days(FINALLY). I still struggle with wondering what to write but that's not the point. -End of story- Something I've always struggled with is counting/drawing/placing/calculating pixels in sprites/images whether it would be trying to design/positioning a webpage using css or drawing/calculating x&y of movement and sprite drawing. What do I mean by counting/drawing/placing/calculating pixels? Pixels are really/extremely small.. I don't understand how developers can estimate/count/place them. Saying things like "hmmm, 30 pixels down and 100px right should be right about here(pointing with their cursors)", knowing a relatively close position of where their image is going to be placed. How is this possible? I really really can't imagine counting 30 pixels across and 100 down... I'd probably end up being off by a lot... (From a tutorial video) Another example is moving a sprite 5 pixels right when a player press the right arrow key.(I know how the function works) but..... what does 5px left, look like? How do developers know what 5px left looks like? Again, I can't imagine counting 5px to the left... I don't think I could keep track of counting 5 pixes (microdots) to the left... Anyways, you get the point. I'm not asking for a specific answer of " Well, 5px left or 100px down is about (x) inches" . I'm asking, How do I count pixels? Sorry if this is somewhat confusing.
  10. Hi Im very new to Phaser but I'm looking to take the final render output on each frame and pipe it through a simple pixel process function before showing the final rendered output. I'm wanting to do this for every frame, the resolution will be fairly low and the function will be pretty simple and quick so it shouldn't have any lag. Thank You
  11. Hi, I do pixel graphics 2D, animations, logos and concept art. Check out my pixel blog and give me a shout if you're interested in graphics work or doing a small test collaboration! http://www.bahototh.blogspot.fi
  12. Strangely shows the text doubled pixels: fragment code .fnt: <char id="49" x="192" y="2" width="2" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="4" page="0" chnl="15" letter="1"/> <char id="50" x="197" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="2"/> <char id="51" x="204" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="3"/> <char id="52" x="211" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="4"/> <char id="53" x="218" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="5"/> <char id="54" x="225" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="6"/> <char id="55" x="232" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="7"/> <char id="56" x="239" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="8"/> <char id="57" x="246" y="2" width="5" height="7" xoffset="0" yoffset="1" xadvance="7" page="0" chnl="15" letter="9"/>font .png Why is there such a shift? Name: new PIXI.BitmapText(mName, {font: "17px nbp", align: "center"}),Name.position.x = roundHalf(x - Name.textWidth / 2);Name.position.y = roundHalf(y - Name.textHeight / 2);roundHalf© = (c << 0) - 0.5; Why is this split pixels?
  13. Introducing... DOOMBEAM! The game is meant to be very simple, but we tried to polish as much as we could! Hopefully how to play it is self explanatory, but... Click/drag enemy ships into your DOOM BEAM! Don't let them run into you! High score system maybe possibly coming soon. http://www.masharcade.com/doombeam
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