I have been using the dev branch for a couple weeks, and everything was going well. Now, I have switched to the release version of 1.1.4, and made what I believe are all the changes needed to make things work. However, for something as simple as causing my player sprite to jump, it does not work. This code snippet is for my player class, extended from sprite: console.log(this.body.onFloor()); if (this.jumpButton.isDown && this.body.onFloor() && this.game.time.now > this.jumpTimer) { console.log('beep'); this.body.velocity.y = -720; this.jumpTimer = this.game.time.now + 250; }'beep' is triggered, but the sprite does not move. At all. I have also found that this code only works if I am already moving horizontally if (this.arrowKeys.up.isDown) { this.body.velocity.y = -400;}You can see an example of this here: http://play.reminiscencegame.com/example2/