Hi! I'm two days with phaser and it's pretty cool but I have two little problems I don't know how to solve... so please if anybody know what am I losing I will be very apreciated This creates 2 enemies sprites and adds to the group. But when I run the js just 1 is moving. If I change the numer of the iterations is always the same, the last one is always like velocity.y = 0 (but sprite animated) enemies = game.add.group(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var enemy = enemies.create(i * 60, 0, 'enemy'); enemy.body.collideWorldBounds = false; enemy.outOfBoundsKill = true; enemy.body.immovable = true; enemy.animations.add('right', [2, 3], 10, true); enemy.animations.play('right'); enemy.body.velocity.x = 100; }The other one is when I hit one enemy I want it to chance the sprite and become other one, but I want it in the same x,y and velocity, but it just turn to the other sprite and stay in another x-y point I dont know where it takes from and without animate: var cooler = coolers.getFirstDead();cooler.centerOn(enemy.x,enemy.y);cooler.reset(enemy.body.velocity.x,enemy.body.velocity.y);enemy.kill();score += 10;scoreText.content = 'Puntuación: ' + score;Thanks you very much pandaNinja.html