Is there a switch or something where I can get more debug info?
var material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("material1", scene);
material.useParallax = true;
material.useParallaxOcclusion = true;
material.parallaxScaleBias = 0.1;
material.specularPower = 1000.0;
material.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
BJS - [04:50:21]: Babylon.js engine (v2.4.0) launched
BJS - [04:50:21]: Unable to compile effect with current defines. Trying next fallback.
BJS - [04:50:21]: Vertex shader:default
BJS - [04:50:21]: Fragment shader:default
BJS - [04:50:21]: Unable to compile effect with current defines. Trying next fallback.
BJS - [04:50:21]: Vertex shader:default
BJS - [04:50:21]: Fragment shader:default