i found the function onBeforRender for RenderTargetTexture if there is the function for Mesh so i can change mesh x y z to move it and i find its hard to use inherit like People extends Mesh i used ceatejs before and its easy to use inherit its a example (function() {var Button = function(label, color) { this.initialize(label, color);}var p = Button.prototype = new createjs.Container(); // inherit from Containerp.label;p.background;p.count = 0;p.Container_initialize = p.initialize;p.initialize = function(label, color) { this.Container_initialize(); this.label = label; if (!color) { color = "#CCC"; } var text = new createjs.Text(label, "20px Arial", "#000"); text.textBaseline = "top"; text.textAlign = "center"; var width = text.getMeasuredWidth()+30; var height = text.getMeasuredHeight()+20; this.background = new createjs.Shape(); this.background.graphics.beginFill(color).drawRoundRect(0,0,width,height,10); text.x = width/2; text.y = 10; this.addChild(this.background,text);}p.onClick = function() { alert("You clicked on a button: "+this.label);}p.onTick = function() { this.alpha = Math.cos(this.count++*0.1)*0.4+0.6;}window.Button = Button;}());how can i do that with BabylonJs ?