So I have been working on this tycoon game for a few days now, (you can try what I have so far here) As a next feature I was going to add a money system, where each tile would cost $15 to place down Here is the code I'm using to place a tile down if (game.input.mousePointer.isDown) {if(!outarange){ if (sandbox.getTile(layer.getTileX(marker.x), layer.getTileY(marker.y)) != currentTile) { mtween.x = this.input.activePointer.worldX; mtween.y = this.input.activePointer.worldY-50; mtween.visible = true; money -=15; sandbox.putTile(currentTile, layer.getTileX(marker.x), layer.getTileY(marker.y)); } }}If you tried the demo, you might have realised that the money value goes down every frame while you're holding down the click button. How would I do it so it only gets decreased by 15 everytime a new tile is placed. Thanks for the interest