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  1. Hi! Im on the final stages of my development in my Phaser Game Its a simple game of using the accelerometer to guide a ball to a hall and navigating through walls I extensively tested this game on the web browsers and its ok but when I use phonegap and tested it on mobile phones the FPS ranges from 20 - 45 ish which was still ok for me until the game suddenly falls apart by physics glitch. Is this about the lag or just that there is a physics problem? Here; Ball.GameEasy = function(game) { keys = null; ball = null; walls = null; timer = 0; totalTimer = 0; timer2 = 0; loop = null; firstRun = true; level = 1; //sfx_bounce = null; maxLevels = 5; audio = true; timer3 = 0; gamedif = 0; };Ball.GameEasy.prototype = { create: function() { this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'screen-bg'); panel = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'panel'); panel.body.immovable = true; walls = this.game.add.group(); walls.add(panel); pauseButton = this.add.button(320-36-8, 8, 'button-pause', this.managePause, this); //audioButton = this.add.button(320-36-8-36-8, 8, 'button-audio', this.manageAudio, this); //audioButton.animations.add('true', [0], 10, true); //audioButton.animations.add('false', [1], 10, true); //audioButton.animations.play(audio); timerText = this.game.add.text(15, 15, "Time: "+timer, { font: "24px Cambria", fill: "#ffff00" }); levelText = this.game.add.text(120, 10, "Level: "+level, { font: "16px Cambria", fill: "#ffff00" }); totalTimeText = this.game.add.text(120, 30, "Total time: "+totalTimer, { font: "16px Cambria", fill: "#ffff00" }); fpsText = this.game.add.text(15,40, "fps: "+timer3, { font: "16px Cambria", fill: "#ffff00" }); hole = this.add.sprite((320)/2, 90, 'hole'); hole.body.immovable = true; hole.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); hole.body.setCircle(5,15,15); ball = this.add.sprite((320)/2, 450, 'ball'); ball.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); ball.body.bounce.setTo(0.3, 0.3); ball.body.setCircle(11, 12, 12); ball.body.linearDamping = 1; ball.body.collideWorldBounds = true; keys = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this.handleOrientation, true); /*if(!loop) { loop = this.game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.updateCounter, this); //loop = this.game.time.events.loop(1500, this.updateCounter, this); level = 1; }*/ this.createLevel(level); //sfx_bounce = this.game.add.audio('bounce'); }, createLevel: function(lvl) { // create levels manually // TODO: import from level editor switch(lvl) { case 1: { //totalTimer=0; gamedif = 0; timer2= 0; timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create((320-128)/2, (480-32)/2, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; break; } case 2: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(72, 320, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(200, 320, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(72, 150, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; break; } case 3: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(64, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(320-96, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(200, 52, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; break; } case 4: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(110-32, 480-128-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(320-128, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(30, 150, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128+30, 150, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; break; } case 5: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(220-32, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(92, 480-128-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 240, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(180, 52, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(52, 148, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; break; } case 6:{ timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(190,320,'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0,320,'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create((320-128)/2, (480-32)/2, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 150, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(40, 150, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; break; } case 7:{ timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(190,320,'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0,320,'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create((320-128)/2, (480-32)/2+40, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 150, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(40, 150, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(206, 118, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 118, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256/2+14.5, 113, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; break; } case 8: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(220-32, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(92, 480-128-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 240, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(180, 52, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(52, 148, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; break; } case 9: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(220-32, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(92, 480-128-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240+24, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240+24, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 240+24, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(180, 52, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(180-70, 52, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(24, 360, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(220-32-60, 480-128+68, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; break; } case 10: { timer = 11; this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; walls.create(220-32, 480-128, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(92, 480-128-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240+24, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240+24, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(256, 240+24, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128+24, 240+24-60, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0+24, 240+24-60, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128+24+128, 240+24-60, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128, 240+24-60-24-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(0, 240+24-60-24-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(128+128+24, 240+24-60-24-32, 'element-w').body.immovable = true walls.create(24, 360, 'element-w').body.immovable = true; walls.create(220-32-60, 480-128+68, 'element-h').body.immovable = true; break; } default: { break; } } }, updateCounter: function() { timer=timer-(timer3/timer3); timer2++; timerText.content = "Time: "+timer; totalTimeText.content = "Total time: "+(totalTimer+timer2); if(timer==0) { //gamedif=1; //this.game.add.text(320/3, 480/2, "GAMEOVER", { font: "36px Cambria", fill: "#ffff00" }); totalTimer=0; timer=0; timer2=0; level=1; this.game.state.start('GameOver',true,false,gamedif); //this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; //this.buttonContinue = this.add.button(0, 0, 'gameover', this.mainM, this); //this.buttonContinue = this.add.button(0, 0, 'screen-howtoplay', this.game.state.start('MainMenu');, this); } }, mainM: function(){ this.game.state.start('MainMenu'); }, managePause: function() { this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; }, manageAudio: function() { // turn on/off the audio audio =! audio; audioButton.animations.play(audio); console.log('audio: '+audio); }, update: function() { if(!loop) { //loop = this.game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.updateCounter, this); loop = this.game.time.events.loop(1000, this.updateCounter, this); level = 1; } timer3 = this.game.time.fps; fpsText.content = "FPS: "+timer3; var force = 10; if(keys.left.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.x -= force; } else if(keys.right.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.x += force; } if(keys.up.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.y -= force; } else if(keys.down.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.y += force; } this.game.physics.collide(ball, walls, this.wallCollision, null, this); this.game.physics.collide(ball, hole, this.finishLevel, null, this); }, wallCollision: function() { //sfx_bounce.play(); }, finishLevel: function() { if(level >= maxLevels) { //totalTimer += timer; //alert('Congratulations, game completed!\nTotal time of play: '+totalTimer+' seconds! exit the game'); alert('Congratulations, Easy game completed!\nTry the Medium Difficulty'); timer = 0; level = 1; //totalTimer = 0; this.game.state.start('MainMenuMedium'); } else { alert('Congratulations, level '+level+' completed!\nTotal time:'+timer2+''); this.game.paused =! this.game.paused; timer = 0; level++; totalTimeText.content = "Total time: "+timer2; levelText.content = "Level: "+level; this.game.state.start('GameEasy'); } }, handleOrientation: function(e) { var x = e.gamma; // range [-90,90] var y = e.beta; // range [-180,180] ball.body.velocity.x += x/2; ball.body.velocity.y += y; }};`How can I stop the physics glitch? Im using an old version of phaser.min.js which is about 376 kb now its 724 phaser 2.2.2 but my problem is when I use the new one the code tells me a problem about Phaser.StageScaleMode is undefined Will updating phaser version solve this problem? Thanks
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