I'm currently trying to convert some input code to observer/observables.
Here's a playground : https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#XCPP9Y#259
When clicking in the scene, the ground color is randomly changed.
Is there a built-in way in the observable design to avoid triggering the scene pointer observer when triggering the gui pointer observer ?
(ie : the ground should not change color when the clic hits the gui button)
If not, can we pick which observer we want to be triggered first ? So we can share some data accross the observer to abort (like skipNextObserver, but on a wider scope)
If not, it seems the GUI observer is triggered first. Can we rely on this ?
Thanks a lot for your inputs ! Have a nice day,
Note : As well... It seems "scene pickObservable" already performs some picking in the scene. Is there a way to avoid this behaviour ? (in the case we want to do the picking with another predicate). Thanks !