Hi I have applied a freecamera to my project. camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("FreeCamera", new BABYLON.Vector3(-40, cameraHeight,-132), scene); I have applied gravity to it so that it won't fly ie: camera.applyGravity = true; I have given it a constant height (cameraHeight) scene.registerBeforeRender(function () { scene.activeCamera.position.y = cameraHeight; }); Now the problem is that when I move the mouse up and down along the Y axis the camera rotates (in essence on the x-axis). So the camera is elevated and it's like flying.I have checked the ESPILIT demo and it's the same problem (Espilit.babylon has camera gravity enabled). So is there a command which limits the rotation of the free camera up and down (or left and right) ? If I need to calculate the rotation in registerBeforeRender then my 2nd question, can I stop a camera?