I have a scene which contains a GUI and other functions to log into and set up settings for a second scene to be loaded from a seperate script. This would be similar to loading one environment from on script for a game and ipon completion of the first level - disposing of the first scene and loading a second scene (level) from a seperate script. I don't want to have every level (scene) in a single script, as the functions in each of the scripts are far too different from one another and would be very large and inefficient to contain in a single script.
So I have been able to dispose of my first scene, however I have a function in my second script which is set to run when the first script disposes and sends a global variable to the second script which conditionally should cause the function in the second script to initialize a new and different environment, scene, and functions.
The global variable is being passed to the function in the second script, yet the scene in the second script is not initializing. I hope someone has an example online of this or a similar process where they are callig new scenes in seperate scripts successfully; as I cannot get a second script to initialize the function loading the second scene.
Any examples would be very much appriciated.
Thank you,