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  1. Hello everyone, firstly I am new to Phaser, but I would really like to create a typing/educational game ! (like moon-type : http://www.wordgames.com/moon-type-2.html) I have already created a background and a caracter (the simplest stuff), but I have no idea how to create moving text blocks containing a dictionnary (although I have a .txt file with a list of all existing words), progressive difficulty and a scoring system.. I know, I'm asking a lot, but i really need help, I'm more on the actual look of the game. Please help me ! Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello everyone! Nice to make your acquaintance. It’s been awhile since I’ve been active on here, and I’d like to change that. So let’s start a conversation. Whatcha working on? You a team? Solo developer? Let’s chat! I’d love to hear from you.
  3. Hello. I'm indie game developer and currently working on Offroad Mania — game for everyone, who like off road and challenge. Offroad Mania on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222040/Offroad_Mania/ Write me in Discord and I give free game keys https://discord.gg/S7qpVaB Free web demo https://html5.gamedistribution.com/268e3f7dc6e6481298fafa5f3cf9e911/ Features: — 120 levels with rocks, trees, bridges, springboards etc. — 5 amazing 4×4 off road cars for fun — Car physics based game — Car and driver customizing — Fun driving gameplay — Colorful and clean game graphics — Gamepad support — Fullscreen mode p.s. In the future, I plan to do free updates (new cars, new tracks, etc.). Therefore it is very important your feedback and suggestions. Thanks for comments! Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/S7qpVaB Twitter: @activegames
  4. So, I'm having trouble understanding how to do something when clicking on a specific object. I'm creating game objects with this function: createBurger(){ this.newBurger = new Burger(this,this.input.mousePointer.x+cam.scrollx,this.input.mousePointer.y,'11'); this.newBurger.setScale(1.2); cant_burgers++; ctnr_burgers.push(this.newBurger); this.newBurger.setInteractive(); this.newBurger.setData({sideA: 1, sideB: 1, cooked:0, flip: 0, celda: undefined}); this.input.on("pointermove", this.follow, this); this.input.on("pointerup", this.drop, this); this.input.on("drag", this.drag, this); F_burgerPicked = 1; } When the pointer is up, I want to add data to the specific object that's being clicked, not the last one created. I tried adding another event listener in the update function, to no avail. Is there a better way of doing this?
  5. Hi, I introduce myself I'm Marco Co-founder of Kevin Alf Designs, in this message I want you to see our first Moon Inc game based on HTML5. take a look or it will not take more than 5 minutes. Attached we will also leave you a demo to try the game if you are interested. In this game our mission to take a rocket to the moon with the small obstacle of not having money, in the game we start with a wooden rocket and little by little we will have to collect coins and money from investors to transform our rocket into all A spaceship capable of reaching the moon. This game is not about flying and players must maneuver and avoid airplanes, balloons and space shuttles while at the same time trying to take coins. The game tries to challenge the players to finish due to the positive psychological effect that occurs when we update the rocket, but as there are many updates the player will feel obliged to buy all the rocket updates to make him feel fulfilled. The game guarantees between 8 and 4 hours of play depending on how well the player manages the money. Controls: Up Arrow: Accelerate Right arrow: Turn right Left arrow: Turn left Esc: pause Mouse Click: to control the interface Resolution: 640x480 Available for Windows7, Linux, Mac and HTML5 and if you wish we can adapt it to android. The demo only allows you to play some games and you will have some initial money to see more or less what the game is about To be starting in the world of video game development, we will be selling licenses at a very low cost. Exclusive license $ 350 If you are interested in buying a non-exclusive license or bid for the exclusive license, please respond to this message with your offer. Demo Link:https://mega.nz/#!66YmAQQS!lTWVJPdrcCZ4WsgBu7GhmKQ7WLhqeDo4X5NTVEdZl6A Email: [email protected]
  6. Ship wrecked Creatures! Save them all and collect as many stars! 250 exciting levels beautiful graphics 5 difficulty levels It works on all devices running IOS and Android fun music and voice creatures Many hours of gameplay LINK: http://hitek55.ru/islandsofcreatures/ For licensing to write to the email: [email protected]
  7. Hi All, I'm new member here, i searching & not found thread for new member to introduce or say hi , so i say hi here to all
  8. Hi! I'm an experienced programmer with C++, but just getting started with JavaScript. I'm making a simple 2D game to get started. I'm using the CreateJS library to do my image/spritesheet manipulation. Right now, I'm trying to create a Sprite class, which will set up a spritesheet in the constructor, and draw the sprite with coordinates in the draw() function. (a member of my Sprite class) Anyways, I'm doing some debugging now. My program stops in the constructor of my Sprite class, and I can't figure out why. To anyone with CreateJS experience, what is wrong with my constructor function?!?!?! Thanks! class Sprite { constructor(src, frameWidth, frameHeight) { window.alert("DEBUG constructor. " + src + ", " + frameWidth + ", " + frameHeight); //Gets here this.spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({ images: [queue.getResult(src)], frames: {width: frameWidth, height: frameHeight}, animations: { ani: [0,4] } }); window.alert("DEBUG end constructor"); //Never gets here } draw(x, y) { animation = new createjs.Sprite(this.spriteSheet, "ani"); animation.regX = 99; animation.regY = 58; animation.x = enemyXPos; animation.y = enemyYPos; animation.gotoAndPlay("ani"); stage.addChildAt(animation,1); } }
  9. Hi all, I'm working on my first Phaser based game, online documentaion is very useful, but I can't find informations about destroying instances. function Enemy(game, layer, x, y, enemyStyle){ var newX = 0; var newY = 0; switch(enemyStyle){ case 'big_guy': newX = x; newY = y-68; break; case 'fast_guy': newX = x; newY = y-24; break; } var mySprite = game.add.sprite(newX, newY, decoType); mySprite.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); layer.add(mySprite); } Enemy.prototype.delete = function(){ mySprite.destroy(); } Here I can destroy the enemy sprite, but not the enemy instance..
  10. When programming my HTML5 2d game I noticed that using the new operator during game play can be quite expensive sometimes if many objects are created. So I wonder what is good practice here? When you implement your game do you always create the objects that are going to be dynamically used from start (for objects such as particles, ammunation, explosions etc), and then reuse them during game play?
  11. Hi, I don't know where to find any information about this, so I start here^^ I'm creating a little (serious)game where you can here sound form a body. And I would like to be able to do two things: - one level where the player can choose the type of sound he wants to hear. Like I would like to hear the heart of someone who had heart surgery, and something like a dropdown list with this kind of option (heart surgery, prolapsus, etc.) that would allow him to do so. - the possibility for the player to create a new body with the sounds he wants (and eventually share it). And it would create a new file that could be easily loaded in the web browser, or even in another web page. I have no clue of where I could find this kind of information, and I hope I'm clear ^^ Cheers K.
  12. Hello everyone I'm creating a new game and I have the basics working. It would be really nice to hear what you think. The game is still under construction but you should be able to play the first level of each mission I am working on the next levels. It is still under construction but i hope to be able to create a fully working version. here is the link: https://sharesoft.nl/phaser/alienInvasion.php?language=en
  13. I'm new to phaser and doing a course. I'm a noob so dont make fun of me too much. anyways, i need to rotate this image of a cupcake when clicking it counter clockwise 10 degrees. how would i do this? here is my code right now. import 'phaser' var game = new Phaser.Game(500, 300, Phaser.AUTO, 'game', { preload: preload, create: create }) function preload() { game.load.image('cupcake', '/api/asset/png/!vault/phaserData.cupcake') } // Declare a global variable which we can access in any function in the file var cupcake function create() { cupcake = game.add.sprite(80, 120, 'cupcake') // The default sprite anchor point is at the // top-left (anchor.x=0, anchor.y=0) of the image // We change the anchor point to be the center of the image // so that scaling doesn't look weird // TODO: Try other anchor points... cupcake.anchor.x = 0.5 cupcake.anchor.y = 0.5 // By default, clicking on a sprite will have no effect. // We have to enable this feature as follows: cupcake.inputEnabled = true // sprite has different events. More http://phaser.io/docs/2.4.7/Phaser.Events.html#members // we pass a function which is executed when trigger event occurs cupcake.events.onInputDown.add(clickCupcake) // event triggers when we click anywhere on the game screen game.input.onDown.add(clickGame) } function clickCupcake(){ cupcake.scale.x += 0.1 cupcake.scale.y += 0.1 } this currently makes it grow everytime it is clicked but how would i change it to rotate it instead 10 degrees counter clockwise? thanks
  14. Hi everyone My entry in Jamtastic vol.#1 Play here: (link fix) Made with: Phaser/Typescript (I'll put the game code in github soon. ) Any comments, feedback or suggestions anyone has is greatly appreciated =D
  15. >First of all: Sorry for my shitty english... I created this collaborative framework not with the intention of remaking the library(phaser) but organize code and the development environment. I separated in three parts: > Pkframework (github project) The framework itself // need to documentation @todo > Pkframework exemples (github project) Which will be both the repository of examples as the initial development models > Pkframework client (github project) Install the initial models and make them work (webserver, auto typescript compile/deploy, liveload, etc ...) I have some goals: > Development time - Quick installation of an initial template. (Pkframe init -p <example-dir>) - Modular, exensive and reusable code. Create your own lib and / or packages. > Simplify some concepts and create easy way to make somethings: - Layers (@done) - Paralax (@todo) - Pass parameters between states in a clearer way (done) - Events function as (actionscript like) [listener / handler] (done) - Prod / Dev env, deploy and configuration (@todo) - Premade UI layers, boxes, talkbox (@todo) - Integrate external apis (facebook / twitter) (@todo) > Export to mobile My next step is create something like: pkframe export --platform=android --release Export your project using cordova and generate a apk. (Or xcode project for [ios]) > Organizing the development environment If you get the code from another programmer, and this game was made using the framework, it will have a structure pattern. Which also makes it easier to work with someone. > Make It Simple! One of the things I love about the phaser is its simplicity. I started only with the framework, but I managed, through pk-client, to work with 2 commands. You no longer need to worry about apache/ngix, typescript compile (or prototype native js), and no browser refreash! A very similar environment with ionic. Only you need if NodeJS installed and pkframe client: - Install nodejs - run [npm install -g pkframe] Ok, now to install one of the initial templates or examples just need to run: - [pkframe init] // in an empty folder | default get a basic example/template | you can use [-p layers] to see another littler more complex example - [pkframe go] // to run all the rest // for some reason, only the first time i run [pkframe init], a get a error but, on the second attempt works. Dont give up! With the server running(simple local httpserver), each change in the code will compile the ts(auto tsc -w) files and refresh the browser(liveload). I wonder what you think of the idea? How is a fully open source project, I thought of something collaborative.
  16. Hi guys, this is Gamecook, My team only cook great delicious games. We are especially good at cooking Puzzle games. Here are two new works, hope you like it, And you're appreciated if you rate them. Any ideas, let me know thanks. http://mota.9191youxi.com/H5Games/NinjaRun2/ http://mota.9191youxi.com/H5Games/SmilyCubes
  17. In this article I show a design pattern of writing a HTML5 game in phaser, specially helpful for writing larger games. Phaser is one of the best HTML5 game development frameworks in the wild west of Javascript world. It is certainly a powerful tool when used carefully. Phaser imposes no design decisions over you, it gives you complete freedom over what design patterns you want to choose. I have been using Phaser for more than a year. With time, I created a ‘design pattern’ which would be helpful in making games. I also created some tools to help me in C++ and FreeBASIC like the one which converts Overlap2D output to usable Phaser state in both Haxe and JS. Continue Reading Here
  18. I would like to si ArcCamera to have plugin for virtual joystick for rotation. Or optional feature to joystick for move forward backward (which could be enabled or disabled) But joystick for rotation will be fine to see. I have some example how arccamera follow ball. I create my own joystick for rotation only (without forward and backward..... options!) (and posibility for forward/backward/left/right joystick which we could attach 3d calulation of object in center of arccamera) Can anybody add feature for arcCamera rotation pick/touch joystick like VirtualJoysticksCamera have it on the right side? Maybe you should inharid arcCamera and create ArcVirutalJoystickCamera. Have anybody any opinion. Maby babylon.js should add this feature in new release. Greetings
  19. Hakem

    Sound effects

    Heya! My first post here! I tryed to roam around to see if i could figure out how to add sound files to my game. I JUST started today with the basic tutorial where you have to grab stars. Currently working as webintegrator so i got some knowledge, but i just cant figure out how it works. Is there a tutorial to add sound bits to your game when an event is triggered? like when you "kill" a star?
  20. Tilt The Dot (Android Game) This is my first Android game made with the phaser framework called Tilt The Dot. To play, tilt your device to move a little dot on the screen. Move the dot to hit the blue goals. How high can you score? The game currently consists of 9 characters, a leaderboard, and arcade style graphics. Since the last update, I have added several new and improved features including: - A more comprehensive tutorial - New character! (Dog) - Adjustable device sensitivity - 3-second countdown before gameplay Play it on Android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tiltthedot Hope you like it!
  21. Hi, The last version of Phaser Editor is ready to download! This is a Release Candidate version (Phaser Editor RC 15.11). This time we are also releasing new great stuff: The website was reworked with a new look.We created a blog to keep you updated and write about the great features around Phaser Editor.In the blog you will find a quick start guide to help you with the main tasks. This guide includes 8 video demos.The subscription form was moved to a professional website so we can give you a better newsletter.This release is an evaluation product but with no expiration date, it just shows a warning message from time to time. For more details read the release notes. For the final release we are considering to open the source code under a MIT license. Enjoy Phaser Editor! Arian Fornaris
  22. tl;dr: 1. After copying a project template, are you supposed to also copy the phaser.js or phaser.min.js from the build folder into your game file? 2. Do you have to make the css and assets folders on your own? 3. when you separate your css, html, and js folder, how do you call them in your html file? 4. What are the bare necessities you need to make a game that you will wrap using CocoonJS for iPhone and Android? Smart Watches? full length: So I just finished the "Getting Started" tutorial on Phaser's website; although I found it useful, I felt that it did not properly address how to start a new entirely from scratch( i.e. GitHub repo). My understanding right now is that you should copy the "Basic" or "Full Screen Mobile" project templates from the resource folder into your text editor and then I'm confused at this point. Are you supposed to also copy the phaser.js or phaser.min.js from the build folder into your game file? What about the css and assets folders? Are you also supposed to make those on your own as well? I just thought it was confusing how the "Getting Started" tutorial had everything in it's own one file (css, html, and js) and I know I want to separate my different file types into their own folders (btw, when you separate your css, html, and js folder, how do you call them in your html file?). I am coming from an Android Studio (using LibGDX) background where new projects automatically have all the folders you need to make an app (assets, MyGDXGame, Manifest, Java, and some other files you'd only touch once), so having to copy/paste/create a new folder (to make your game playable) into your game file is very foreign to me. I'm just trying to get started with a simple ball-maze game for mobile platforms (iPhone, Android, and maybe smart watches). Thanks!
  23. I'm new to phaser and I think this should just be a place for more experienced phaser-users to give little gems of advice to newcomers. Not only am I new to Phaser but quite new to Coding, so if anybody could give advice on how best to teach myself code, I'd be very greatful, I'm currently learning with the aid of 'The new Boston' on youtube which is very helpful, and he simplifies everything quite well, he sometimes explains things a bit too much, so he's probably just best for people very new to code, like me.
  24. Hey everyone! This is my first post in these forums. I'm partially new to HTML5. Now you can start spamming me with recommendations on how to learn and operate! I have made mini Flash games in the past, together they sum more than 2 million views worldwide, which is a fair figure, although not very high. I have been waiting for HTML5 to catch up and now I feel that this technology mix known as HTML5 is starting to take off. People can finally play free games on their mobile phones!! I know AS very well, I also know HTML, CSS, because I've been creating websites since I started working, and I know a little Javascript, and I'm fluent in Java and PHP. I'd like to make one button funny games based on my animated characters to make a holistic approach to entertainment and my active products. NOW IT'S THE TIME YOU CAN SPAN ME WITH HTML5 COURSES, JS LIBRARIES, PROCEDURES, METHODS, BEST PRACTICES AND OPERATIONAL BEHAVIORS. And if this post can help other people who are in the same situation as me, it would be great. Thanks a lot in advance!
  25. Hi friends, i'm new with Phaser and i did a simple game to study and learn it. The idea isn't original and the game are in development, remember, i did it only to study and learn how to use and program Phaser. You can play it here, use space to jump, its simple. Debbug mode. Normal mode. One las thing, hope you guys like it and don't hate me because my english are so bad! Any news i'll update this post, see you guys.
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