I have had an intermittent error, in one of my sample scenes. Could never reproduce it on command till now. This has been happening for a long time, not just 2.2, though I am using this mornings 2.2.max in the link below. Have been testing new versions of POV & MOPRH extensions. In this scene, there are a group of buttons, which deform the plane mesh. The mesh is pickable, so that you can click on it after pressing the 'Conflict' button & reset it. Everything works, if and only if you put the cursor over the mesh Before you press any of the buttons. If a deform occurs first, you get a console error when the mouse moves over the mesh, and it does not change to a pointing hand. https://googledrive.com/host/0B6-s6ZjHyEwUeXlkcGtoT1duTEU/ The error is 'vertex1 is undefined', as shown on the last line below. I am in the process of upgrading MORPH, if there was something I should do, that would be fine. Problem is what. Thanks. Ray.prototype.intersectsTriangle = function (vertex0, vertex1, vertex2) { if (!this._edge1) { this._edge1 = Vector3.Zero(); this._edge2 = Vector3.Zero(); this._pvec = Vector3.Zero(); this._tvec = Vector3.Zero(); this._qvec = Vector3.Zero(); } vertex1.subtractToRef(vertex0, this._edge1);