Hi, We came up with an idea on how to support a wide range of screensizes while still using the full screen of the mobile game. This game always runs in the landscape orientation and the camera does not move: you will always be able to see the whole level. See the image attached below to check out what we would like to achieve. We want the smallest resolution (4:3, lightbrown area) to always be viewable. In our levels, we'll make sure all interactable objects will be placed in this area. For the wider screens (blue / green / grayish areas), we will add some more background tiles and just a bit of level decoration on the sides. There are multiple [http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.ScaleManager.html](scalemodes) available in the phaser framework. I'm using the latest version - EXACT FIT - NO_SCALE - RESIZE - SHOW_ALL None of them seem suitable for what we want to achieve (I tried them all out) Has anyone here tried to do anything similar? I know we would have to calculate out where the X starting position of the camera should be, but I do not know where to start on this. Thanks for any advice!