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I'm stuck with loading my meshes. I'm new to all the 3D and modelling so any thoughts are highly appreciated. Basically I want to extends Babylons default Mesh class called BaseMesh and add a 'load' function to it to get rid of clutter in my scene code. I'm extending this BaseMesh class for each model I have. My BaseMesh class: (Note that all code examples are written in TypeScript) // BaseMesh.ts class BaseMesh /* extends BABLYON.Mesh */ { public readonly BASE_URL: string; // I want these to be static public readonly MODEL_URL: string; // I want these to be static public readonly NAME: string; // I want these to be static public body; /* constructor( scene ) { // I don't know what to do here super( this.NAME //name scene // scene null // parent ? // source ); } */ public load( assetsManager: BABYLON.AssetsManager ) { return assetsManager.addMeshTask( this.NAME + ' task', // name "", this.BASE_URL, this.MODEL_URL ); } public onLoaded( results ) { // I don't know what to do here this.body = results.loadedMeshes[0]; } public update(): void {} }; A model class would looks like this: // Robot.ts class Robot extends BaseMesh { public readonly BASE_URL: string = '/models/'; public readonly MODEL_URL: string = 'robot.babylon'; public readonly NAME: string = 'robotMesh'; public update(): void { this.body.rotation.y += 0.03; } } In my code above I store the loadedMesh from the AssetsManager into this.body. But here is question 1: why is my model already showing on the scene when the meshtask has run? I'm only loading a mesh, I've not put anything about putting it on the scene. Question 2: How do I extend my BaseMesh class from BABLYON.Mesh so that the result (loadedMeshes) of my load function is "the mesh itself" (instead of an attribute this.body). For example this would mean I could change my update function to 'this.rotation.y += 0.03;' and just generally makes more sense. Question 3: I'm really confused about the relationship between my "code" and my "model/.babylon files". Is there any good documentation/tutorials about this? These questions range from: - when is it healthy to split different parts of a model in different files - do I apply textures in my code or do I do that in my .babylon file - do I apply animations in my blender file or do I code them - ... This was a pain to type, if you have any questions please do ask Thank you in advance!