Hi, I know this should not be BabylonJS issue, just intend to aware people that Lenovo Phab 2 Pro may have canvas rendering issue.
I am using chome to open the webpage, while firefox and opera had no problem displaying the 3D scene.
below are screenshots of webpage with webgl content:
The Sponza Demo: www.babylonjs.com/demos/sponza/
The Espilit Demo: https://www.babylonjs.com/demos/espilit/
The Instances Demo: https://www.babylonjs.com/demos/instances/
And all ThreeJS projects I had viewed so far have this issue too:
Lasertown: http://oletus.github.io/lasertown/
The Aviator: https://tympanus.net/Tutorials/TheAviator/
It looks like the major area of the canvas is covered, and leaving only a small rectangle area at the left bottom corner to be viewable, I am able to apply user input beyond the viewable rectangle area to navigate the scene(for example the Espilit demo). I had file an bug report to chrome and intend to file another one to lenovo as well.