Hi all, So I'm trying to add background music to my game, and I've provided phaser with a .ogg and a .mp3 file so it has a fallback. Problem is, the audio doesn't play/load at all in Google Chrome (latest build). In Firefox the audio is working fine for me. I've looked at some examples on examples.phaser.io and added the audio the same way they did there, like this: game.load.audio('backgroundMusic', ['assets/audio/TakingFlight.mp3', 'assets/audio/TakingFlight.ogg']);Later in the javascript I play the music using this code: backgroundMusic = game.add.audio('backgroundMusic');backgroundMusic.play('', 0, 1, true);Any suggestions / ideas? I've added the mp3 file of the background music in this post, wasn't allowed to upload the ogg.. TakingFlight.mp3