I'm new to BJS and so this question might be a no brainer for the ninjas but I can't find the answer combing through the forums and the online tutorials. I'd like to use the "BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load" but I don't know how to isolate the imported items individualy. When I use "BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh" I can just set "whatever = newMeshes[0];" and then reposition it, apply gravity... you know ...whatever you want with BJS calls. There has to be a command I can use to isolate the meshes,lights,and cameras that were imported in (preferabley by name). I just don't know the command set up and I can't find a example of someone using "SceneLoader.Load" and then changing individual items from that scene. Like I said, this is probably 101 to most here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.