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Found 9 results

  1. Hello everyone You know the character guessing game that is usually played with friends, right? You know, the game which we write the characters on paper and then stick them on our forehead. During the pandemic process, in order to be able to play this game remotely with my friends, I have developed the Browser version of the Who Am I game. Link: https://play-whoami.com/ Technologies I used while developing this game: NodeJs for Backend, Ionic for Frontend (AngularJS Framework), HTML, and SCSS for Style. And of course, Socket.io to ensure the connection between the players. Below you can see screenshots of the game. Thanks in advance for the feedback!
  2. I am trying to put all my phaser 3 games into one ionic 4 application. I found the following example which works perfectly for phaser 2 (https://store.enappd.com/product/ionic-phaser-game-framework-ionic-4/). however when I try to update to phaser three the screen goes blank. I imagine one of the problems is to do with how scenes have replaced states. does anyone have any ideas how to get around this or is this example workable anymore?? below is some code export class HomePage { constructor(private menuCtrl: MenuController) { game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, Phaser.AUTO, 'space- invaders', { preload: this.preload, create: this.create, update: this.update, render: this.render } ); that = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype); } preload() { this.load.image('bullet', 'assets/phaser/bullet.png'); game.load.image('enemyBullet', 'assets/phaser/enemy-bullet.png'); } } game.load works for phaser 2, if I use this.load in ionic it throws the following error ‘Property ‘load’ does not exist on type ‘HomePage’.’ With these changes to phaser is this method even possible??
  3. I have a problem I would like to export my single page of phaser game in another ionic page but I have no result and the screen is still white. I have no error on the console I don't know what 's wrong with me
  4. ST4H

    Please help ;__;

    Please, can someone tell me how to import framework Phaser3 or other framework to Ionic? (for reference, i want to use phaser only) When i simply run html file in browser it works, but in ionic lab i can see white screen
  5. Hi Guys, I am absolutely new in Phaser. Building a mobile game with phaser and ionic. But I am not using ion-phaser for my game. I developed a simple board game (i.e. Snake & Ladder). But this game has few tricky logics. My game is working fine but the main problem is after continuous playing the player position is changing and after sometime it moves out of its actual position. Two more important things. I am using an hi quality board image in this game. My application is a content base application and the game is merged with it. I am facing this problem in both web browser and my mobile application. Trying hard to get rid of this problem. Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue?
  6. Hi guys, Exist any template to use Phaser with Ionic Framework? PD: I would like to compile with WebView+ of CocoonJS to test the performance Thanks in advance, Nicholls
  7. Hi guys! See my first plugin to integrate Phaser Framework & Ionic!. Create more advanced hybrid mobile apps/games with IonPhaser!. Get the best of both worlds with IonPhaser plugin. http://market.ionic.io/plugins/ionphaser Regards, Nicholls
  8. Hi guys! See my first plugin to integrate Phaser Framework & Ionic!. Create more advanced hybrid mobile apps/games with IonPhaser!. Get the best of both worlds with IonPhaser plugin. http://market.ionic.io/plugins/ionphaser Regards, Nicholls
  9. Hi guys! See my first plugin to integrate Phaser Framework & Ionic!. Create more advanced hybrid mobile apps/games with IonPhaser!. Get the best of both worlds with IonPhaser plugin. http://market.ionic.io/plugins/ionphaser Regards, Nicholls
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