I am making a multiplayer card game in phaser, the game is targeted for web as well as packaged for iOS and android using cocoon.io.
Now my problem is suppose a player minimizes/tabs the game on browser or minimizes the app then it doesnt affects others, since he is just same as not taking actions so he will either fold or check when timed out, but the problem is when he maximizes again, all the animations (tweens) that were pending, like some1 betting or players drawing cards, or chips going to winner, all of them play at once.
I am not sure how to procede from here. Is there a way to let the app execute the tweens to sprites even when minimized.
Also I want to know how to find out when the exported app minimizes, i tried adding listener to onPause and onResume, it works fine on browsers but doesnt on exported cocoonjs app.