Hello, I'm using spritesheets in my project. Unfortunately, I don't know the frame dimensions at the beginning, but I can calculate them given the image dimensions. I need to a possibility to either get the image dimensions before i create the spritesheet or a way to change them after creating the spritesheet. What I'm currently doing looks like this: game.load.spritesheet("001", "assets/spritesheets/001.png", 19, 17, 16);I tried serveral ways to get the image dimensions like: var image = game.cache.getImage("001");This only returns a string, like <img name="001" src="assets/spritesheets/001.png"> and I can't figure out how to get dimensions by using the string. Even if I could, I don't know how to change the spritesheet frame size and frame count afterwards. Thanks in advance for help.