Hi guys! I have just published a mobile game that I built with Phaser. It's a simple puzzle game where you have to cover certain tiles on a grid with blocks that you can only "throw" in from the edges of the grid. My goal was to create something that is easy to play, nice to look at and works on most mobile phones - I'm pretty happy with it although I had to compromise on the quality of the sound to get it to work on my windows phone (it can only play one sound effect at a time, and seems like it can only load one audio file so I ended up using an audio sprite). All of the artwork was created by Donya Todd (http://donyatodd.co.uk/) for a very reasonable price and within a very short timeframe. If you need an artist then I would highly reccomend hiring Donya! Play Hieroglyphico here: http://games.angrytoad.co.uk/hieroglyphico/ Libraries/Technology used: PhaserRequireJS to organise everythingJasmine for testingGrunt + a bunch of grunt-contrib stuff to automate running tests and building the project Here are some screenshots: Cheers!