Thanks to anyone who tries to make sense of any of this! 1. Runtime performance: Is it significantly more efficient to recycle children in a group with reset()/revive() and kill(), or is it acceptable to just create() and kill()? 2. Is it possible to have arcade physics bodies enabled in nested groups? I've tried many variations of this where the child/parent/both have the physics body enabled and it ain't happening. 3. Situation: A group of entities spawn at Y=0, X=random. They move down the world until Y=1000 and are then killed. The group has 50 entities in it. Only 10 exist simultaneously at any given time. getFirstDead() would just reuse the last 10 entities in the group, how can I cycle through the entire group of 50? Something like this: for(var n=0;n<group.length;n++){ getAt(n);}tl;dr: Is there something like getLastDead/Alive/Exists? 4. What's the best way to drawn lines? I'm using: line = new Phaser.Line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);line.fromSprite(a, b, false);game.debug.geom(line, '#ff0000');I have it drawn to an entity that moves around the world, but there's quite a bit of latency. Is there a better/ alternative method I can try?