I love pixijs! Amazing stuff!
I'm currently attempting to plot about 30 lines, each containing about 2500 points scrolling right to left (where once a point goes off the screen to the left, a new point is appended on the right). Think a whole bunch of streaming time series charts.
I've been able to plot them out, creating a top level PIXI.Container to contain all the lines, and then for each line, creating a PIXI.Graphics object that I addChild to the top level PIXI.Container, setting the line style and then in the render loop going thru each line's 2500 points and doing the moveto lineto fun. It works! However my framerate peaks at around 40fps, which is still nice, but hoping for a 60fps. Note: I do the line moveto and lineto for each line before I call the render on the top level PIXI.Container, so hopefully that's forcing all the draw work to happen in one frame.
Does anyone happen to know if there any optimizations that I could leverage to speed this up?
Thank you kindly for any help you can offer.