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  1. Take It Easy is a true multi-player solitaire in which each player individually completes a hexagon-shaped board with spots for 19 hexagon tiles. There's no limit to number of players if you've got enough sets on hand. https://biblionar.ro/games/takeiteasy
  2. Hello! I'm fairly new to PixiJS and I've been trying to create a function for our game running in the browser. The main purpose of my function is to have a player(Which moves on an infinite map) move around with a dark "Binocular" area around it. I've succeeded in making this using css and javascript using radial gradients with mask composite exclude in css. Here I could make the radius of these radial gradients decrease(get smaller over time), so it has an effect of "light running out". In addition to this I also did so gradients could be added dynamically, which allowed the game to have multiple radial gradients which acted as "holes" in a dark overlay. Below is a few images to illustrate the intended function. Image 1 is meant to represent how the zone itself should look. The orange is the background, the black is the semitransparent overlay and the enemies should be visible under this overlay. The second image shows the function of two of these circles overlapping(This is how it currently works using css webkit mask and mask masking) My problem is that this function was very laggy in firefox and I've been attempting to rework the whole system in Pixi instead. I've attempted to use regular methods of masking Graphics, but the problem is I can't seem to get this hole effect to work. I've tried to replicate some of the examples, but they haven't worked either for me. This is the example I'm talking about: https://pixijs.com/8.x/examples/masks/filter The closest i got to a solution was using the cut() function as a overlay and then changing the sizes of the radius dynamically(Then I'd make a function that could add "n" circles to make the other zones) let frame = new Graphics() .rect(0, 0, 208, 208) .fill(0x666666, 0.1) .stroke({ color: 0xffffff, width: 4, alignment: 0 }) hudOverlay.addChild(frame); let mask = new Graphics() .rect(0, 0, 100, 100) .fill(0x00FF00) .circle(50, 50, 50) .cut(); let maskContainer = new Container(); maskContainer.mask = mask; maskContainer.addChild(mask); maskContainer.position.set(4,4); hudOverlay.addChild(maskContainer); let testRec = new Graphics().rect(0,0, 800, 800).fill("#49cc6c", 0.5); maskContainer.addChild(testRec); I then have a mask where i can just add a semi transparent rectangle (Right now it's green for testing) on top. The main problem with this is that this is not very performant code, because masks are costly. So I am lost on what to do, I've heard many speak of generateTexture and somehow using this for masking, but I do not know how to do this in pixi v8? My argument for finding a way to use less masks is found in the performance tips of pixi under "Masks": https://pixijs.com/8.x/guides/production/performance-tips
  3. I'd like to join game dev team. I have rich experience in Pixi.js, Babylon.js and Three.js. So look forward to hearing from you.
  4. Hi, I hope you are doing well! It is with joy that I share with you the game GravytX The Gravytoid! (The game should have been released 4 years earlier but due to some technical constraints it was delayed!) Trailer (Click on the image below): About the game: Play as GravytX an alien who has the ability to control objects remotely and manipulate gravity. Travel the universe to save the peoples who are under the domination of the Vodouas (Malicious beings who want to conquer the universe) and bring peace to their Planets. • Here are some surprises that await you on your travels: - Several Planets to discover - Diverse and fun levels - Gameplay mechanics unique to each Planet - Fun puzzles to solve - Multiple Bosses and Mini-bosses to challenge! - And many other things to discover (We are not going to reveal everything to you anyway!) • Note that the game supports Gamepads! Get ready to experience adventures beyond human understanding! Game link: Web (HTML 5) version Have fun and have a nice day!
  5. Hi, We are close to finishing version 2.0 of our free MIT open-source cross-platform 2-D Web video game engine. This Web game engine was built from the ground up by my team and I. (Web game engine runs both on Itch/NewGrounds sites and also locally) You can play the demo game and download the entire project source code on Itch below: https://jesseleepalser.itch.io/t-crisis-v Game is cross-platform as well and currently runs on: - Windows 10/11 Internet browsers - Linux Internet browsers - macOS Internet browsers - Android mobile Internet browsers * iOS mobile has problems(but we are working to fix) Enjoy! Jesse
  6. Greetings, cosmic pioneers and space enthusiasts! Embark on a thrilling space adventure with AgeOfSpace, a cutting-edge browser-based strategy game that takes interstellar conquest to new heights. Designed for accessibility, you can experience the excitement of cosmic domination from any computer or mobile device—all for free! Key Features of AgeOfSpace: 🌐 Browser-Based Adventure: No downloads, no installations. Immerse yourself in the vastness of space directly from your web browser. 📱 Play Anywhere, Anytime: Whether you're on a computer or a mobile device, AgeOfSpace lets you command your empire from the palm of your hand. 🚀 Strategic Depth: Delve into resource management, fleet construction, and diplomacy in a dynamic universe. 🌠 Expansive Exploration: Discover uncharted planets, engage in epic battles, and expand your cosmic influence. 🛠️ Constant Evolution: AgeOfSpace is in constant development, with new features enhancing your gaming experience regularly. 🤝 Join the Galactic Community: Connect with players globally, form alliances, and share in the camaraderie of the spacefaring community. Ready to Begin Your Space Odyssey? AgeOfSpace is not just a game; it's a limitless journey into the cosmos. Start playing for free now! 🌟 AgeOfSpace.net Unleash your strategic prowess and conquer the stars in AgeOfSpace—wherever you are!
  7. I am new to html5 games. I wanna know what LACKS in HTML5 games in terms of revenue ? Can you monetize html5 games with banners and interestitial ads as ANDROID GAMES DOES ? Is there a possibility of implementing IAP or rewarded videos like ANDROID ? Do u thing that using webview that host an HTML5 game in ANDROID and use all these forms of ads above is a good idea ?
  8. I offer a captivating suite of advergames tailored for bars, restaurants, coffee shops, donuts shops, pizzerias, and bakeries to engage your customers in a fun and interactive way. The games are seamlessly integrated with a leaderboard and utilized to promote businesses and services enhancing customer engagement with brands. No downloads required - share games via a simple link or QR code placed strategically on menus, takeaway bags, drink cups, beer labels and more. Customers can play for a chance to win enticing rewards like free meals, discounts, or promotional items. How it works Brand recognition: I will tailor the game to reflect your brand identity by incorporating your logo, color scheme, or images of your product. Rewards: I will set up a leaderboard-based rewards system. Players reaching certain scores will receive discounts or free soft drinks for their next order, encouraging game engagement and incentivizing purchases. Promotion: I will create a dedicated landing page with the email collection form which can be used to promote the game to your customers through various channels - social media, in-store displays, or as QR codes on pizza boxes. Increase sales and retain customers: Leverage the power of collected emails to follow up with customers who have earned rewards and to send newsletters featuring upcoming offers. --- Engage your customers through play with NakNick.com
  9. Hello Devs, I would like to know, what do I need to learn to play with PixiJS? I want to create advanced games in 2d. I know Pixi is not a game engine and there are other frameworks like Phaser, Cocos2D, MelonJS and so on... Pixi will be useful to me to develop other projects besides games. Perhaps the most experienced here can give me tips and also other people who are having difficulties. Thanks.
  10. Hello, For my video game project I need a game designer who knows how to handle isometric design and for logos. I can not pay immediately but if the game receives donations rather quickly some of the donations will be donated to the designer who will help me because it is very urgent for me now. Thank you for your interest in my project. For more information about my project feel free to contact me privately. A portfolio of your previous work would be very appreciated. A good day to those who read this post.
  11. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to show my HTML5 game made on android. "Mummy Maze Classic" is an puzzle game about mummies and egypt. In this game, you are the explorer and you have to find your way out, avoiding the mummies along the way by smart moves, use the walls to dodge the mummies. I created this game because this old version game on PC never made on android before. So I remade it to serve you guys who love it. Android Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mono.mummy I hope this game will satisfy you !
  12. Hello everyone! It's my first post here and I'm very excited to be part of this community! For the past 3 weeks I was transferring John Lemon’s Haunted Jaunt mini game from Unity to WebGL using PlayCanvas Web based Game Engine. It was a really fun project to work on with many challenges along the way. Here is the official build for you to play: https://playcanv.as/p/atVPbI8K/ I also created a public project in PlayCanvas in case anyone wanted to take a look on how I put everything together: https://playcanvas.com/project/917469/overview/john-lemon-public-project And lastly here is the official post on Twitter: I hope you'll like it! Enjoy
  13. @obiot Here's my latest melonjs game! It's a very simple one. Arch super-villain Poo Tin, which is literally a tin of poo, wants to blot out the colours blue and yellow from the earth! To stop Poo Tin, you have to paint Poo Tin out with a blue and yellow paintbrush! All net proceeds (i.e. after deducting all expenses incurred for this product and subject to the withdrawal being able to be performed in view of Microsoft and Google's minimum payment threshold) shall be donated for humanitarian causes. This game is a work of fiction for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or entities or events, is purely coincidental. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.customautosys.pootin It is quite expensive because the net proceeds will be donated to charity. Stay tuned for the Microsoft Store release which is coming soon!
  14. My first ever Javascript program. Used p5 for some reason here too. Anyway, simple 2D sidescroll jump around whatever. Still wondering is JS or C# the one i would like to use for my future (and prpably similar) projects. Playable game via browser here. GitHub link here. Check readme.MD at github if you want to learn more. Rock on and prospect.
  15. Hi everybody, so i'm trying to create an online game using Babylon.js but have run into a problem thats got me a little stumped so hoping someone here would be willing to help me out. Please bear with me on this one, i'm a complete newbie with babylon as i've only every worked with THREE.js. Right now my game consists of a scene compromising of multiple meshes with multiple users represented as avatars (created from basic circle geometry for the moment) loaded into an environment. What I want to do is highlight the outline of these avatars ONLY when they are occluded by any other object, meaning that when they are not occluded they look normal with no highlight but when behind an object their highlighted silhouette can be seen by others (including yourself as you can see your own avatar). This is very akin to effects used in many other video games (see example below). ) Thus far, based on some googling and forum browsing (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59807160/babylonjs-outline-through-walls & https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/highlight-through-objects/8002/4) I've figured out how to highlight the outline of objects using Babylon.HighlighLayer and I know that i can render objects above others via RenderingGroups but I can't seem to figure out how to use them in conjunction to create the effect I want. The best i've managed to do is get the highlighted avatar render above everything but I need just the silhouette not the entire mesh. I'm also constrained by the fact that my scene has many meshes in it that are loaded dynamically and i'm also trying to keep things as optimal as possible. Can't afford to use very computationally expensive procedures. Anybody know of the best way to approach this? Would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance you can provide.Thanks!
  16. For anyone too young to remember, back in the 1980s there was this thing called LCD games. Before Nintendo introduced the GameBoy, electronics companies including Nintendo were making small handheld toys that used LCD crystals to display flickering shapes, the shapes could only be turned on or off. Using this crude form of animation they were able to create something that kind of resembled a videogame. Companies incl. Gakken, Tandy, Radio Shack, Sunwing, Tiger, Tomy called these games "card game" or just electronic lcd game, while Nintendo called their line "Game & Watch". Over the years hundreds (maybe thousands) of different games were created, see this site: http://handheldempire.com/games.jsp Anyway, why do I bring this up here on html5gamedevs? There is this very cool site called pica-pic by Hipopotam. He's created playable versions of 26 of these games using Flash. -> http://www.pica-pic.com/ Now I was thinking, this could possibly also be done using with html/js right? Ideally there could be some sort of lcdgame.js library, and then for each separate game you'd have just one html file and a javascript to describe the gamelogic. And maybe only 2 png images, one image with and one without the shapes, and the LCD game library is then able to cut out the shapes (also described in the js file as polygons) and display it on a canvas. It could potentially be kind of like MAME but for LCD games. Any thought on this?
  17. Become a part of our unique success story! More than 500 million people have already played our next-gen instant games. Join us and unleash your superpowers to build the future of gaming! SOFTGAMES is looking for a JavaScript Game Developer to help us bring our games to new Instant Game Platforms that will entertain tens of millions of people every month. The JavaScript Game Developer designs, architects, tests and implements features into our live games. Further you'll work on bringing our games to existing and upcoming Instant Game Platforms. You will collaborate with producers, artists and other game developers to share learnings and best practices. The JavaScript Game Developer will ship robust and high-performance code, be passionate, and act as a fount of knowledge when it comes to game development. As part of a small, experienced and dynamic team you will enjoy a creative, challenging and collaborative environment. You can either work REMOTELY or in our central Berlin office surrounded by a great bunch of people! **Qualified applicants will be expected to complete a technical assessment. Your role: Write robust code to be used by millions of users Maintain and optimise features of existing Instant Games Develop and integrate different platform SDKs Independently create complete solutions from scratch Work on schedule, set clear goals Share knowledge and help colleagues Your profile: Great passion for games! 3+ years of professional software engineering experience Strong knowledge and experience with JavaScript (HTML5) Knowledge of TypeScript or another language with static typing Profiling and optimising JavaScript/TypeScript code Node.js CI/CD Experience with build systems (e.g. Webpack or gulp), PixiJS, Phaser Shipped at least 2 mobile/social title, preferably on multiple platforms Ability to quickly get up to speed with existing code Deliver high-quality and well-structured code Open-minded and keen to learn What we offer: We have a flexible working setup - either fully remote or on-site in central Berlin. Your choice! Working and living in Germany has many advantages as e.g. a high job security, great work-life balance and one of the best universal health care systems in the world! Further our Berlin full time employees benefit from: Visa: Our visa assistance service guides you through the whole process and helps with tips and tricks to get the approvals and your visa as fast as possible. Relocation Support: We support your move to Berlin with e.g. flat hunting, paper work like local registration, setting up bank accounts etc. Language classes: We pay your German lessons so you can order food auf deutsch very fast and go right up to perfecting your business vocabulary. Further training: A personal learning budget to spend on learning and development, including books, workshops, etc. Flexible working hours and home office: Productive hours differ individually. That’s why you're welcome to show up in the office whenever you're ready for it. Need to watch the kids or wait for a handicraftsman? No problem - we also offer the opportunity for home office. Office: A super modern office with state of the art tech, based in the center of Berlin, quickly to reach from all destinations thanks to the excellent public transport connections. Equipment: Choose between a MacBook Pro or Windows Laptop. Furthermore our office features the latest projectors, cameras, testing devices, monitors - you name it. Fresh fruits, snacks and drinks: Enjoy fresh fruits, free coffee and a fully stocked fridge with cold Water, Juices, Coke, Club Mate, Beer etc. For the sweet-toothed we have snacks, chocolate and chips of course. Epic company parties: Regular company parties to celebrate, including Summer Party, Oktoberfest, Christmas Party. Team events: We have regular Casual Fridays, Board Game Nights, Pub Quizzes, Team lunches, Company breakfasts and much more … Team spirit: Beyond our amazing parties and company events, the team further organizes activities themselves such as playing soccer together, a cooking group, a Japanese learning group, and much more. About SOFTGAMES With offices in Berlin (HQ) and Toronto, SOFTGAMES is an instant gaming company. We develop casual, truly social games that can be played instantly across all devices. We partner closely with Facebook, Samsung and more to craft the next generation of instant games that billions of people can play together. To-date, more than 500 MM people have played our games on Facebook, including Cookie Land, Solitaire Story Tripeaks, Mahjong Story, Space Invaders, Fish Story, Bubble Shooter or Candy Rain. At SOFTGAMES, we believe that different perspectives and background in our teams contribute to the quality of our work. We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion / worldview, disability, age as well as sexual orientation and identity. Have we caught your interest? Then we look forward to your detailed application together with your salary expectations and earliest possible start date.
  18. Hello everyone! I'm JJ from animation studio, TVT and web design company, JIN Design in Singapore. I'm here to share a freebie, 2D game background. Freebie image preview can be viewed in the attachment. Download now in Google Drive
  19. Looking to buy some cool html5 games? Here is the list of some websites where you can buy cool and amazing HTML 5 games. 1. Freakxapps 2. Market Js 3. Codecanyon 4. Fanobi 5. Ravalmatic These sites have a great collection of html5 games. Visit the websites and buy HTML 5 games as your need.
  20. Hi there! We are full of ideas and enthusiasm for developing new and interesting HTML5 games with game engine Construct 2. YOU CAN BUY OUR GAMES HERE 1. HALLOWEEN LITTLE WITCH Little witch are flying on her broom and evade pumpkins, against the background of the full moon. How To Play: Touch the screen to control the hero (Witch) position. BUY: https://codecanyon.net/item/halloween-little-witch/18582468?ref=demgam PLAY: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/halloween-little-witch/full_screen_preview/18582468?ref=demgam 2. SANTA, RUN! Help Santa to colect presents and make children happy! How To Play: Touch the screen to control the hero (Santa) position. BUY: https://codecanyon.net/item/santa-run/25121425?ref=demgam PLAY: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/santa-run/full_screen_preview/25121425?ref=demgam 3. AGE OF CORSAIRS: PIRATES OF THE SOUTH SEAS Become the conqueror of the seas!!! Improve your ship. Make a lot of money!!! How To Play: Touch the screen to control the hero (ship) position. BUY: https://codecanyon.net/item/age-of-pirates/19697995?ref=demgam PLAY: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/age-of-pirates/full_screen_preview/19697995?ref=demgam 4. MAKE A LOVE! Fill the Galaxy with Love! How To Play: Tap on heart to get Love-points and tap on other buttons (when they are pink) to get improvement (extra abilities). BUY: https://codecanyon.net/item/make-a-love/19824515ref=demgam PLAY: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/make-a-love/full_screen_preview/19824515?ref=demgam 5. SANTA,FLY! Help Santa to colect presents and make children happy! How To Play: Touch the screen to control the hero (Santa) position. BUY: https://codecanyon.net/item/santafly/20972801ref=demgam PLAY: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/santafly/full_screen_preview/20972801?ref=demgam
  21. This is my first time hosting a game. I have all the files up on GitHub and they all work when I run them locally, but when I go to the GitHub link I get these errors: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () - phaser.min.js Uncaught ReferenceError: Phaser is not defined at main.js:3
  22. Many of my games I implant logic to only render when dirty. My UI code sets a dirty flag when ever anything changes rather than every possible frame. Most of my games are card games for mobile and there no constant animation, only when moving a card. I have done this with the goal to keep the device cool and not burn the battery. Players can be on for long periods of time. Is this solution overkill or does pixijs or phaser already optimize non changing frames?
  23. Hi everyone! I was wondering which HTML 5 game engine is better PixieJS or Phaser.io? Links: Phaser.io: https://phaser.io PixieJS: https://www.pixijs.com
  24. Hello everyone, firstly I am new to Phaser, but I would really like to create a typing/educational game ! (like moon-type : http://www.wordgames.com/moon-type-2.html) I have already created a background and a caracter (the simplest stuff), but I have no idea how to create moving text blocks containing a dictionnary (although I have a .txt file with a list of all existing words), progressive difficulty and a scoring system.. I know, I'm asking a lot, but i really need help, I'm more on the actual look of the game. Please help me ! Thank you in advance.
  25. If you need a real tutorial you can have it for free with Gdevelop. You have to pay for some lessons on Phaser on the other hand. It nedds no coding. It has full potency. You can publish on android. It is free. Has many tutorials MIT created it!!!
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