Hi! I'm trying to listen to a key pressing/releasing with the help of this tutorial topic: https://github.com/kittykatattack/learningPixi#keyboard I prety much copied and pasted the code (changed very little) and it's working. The problem is that it doesn't work for the ESC key when the game is in fullscreen. Other keys work, ESC works when not in fullscreen. The browser only gets out of the fullscreen mode, without doing what I need it to do. In this case, it's only console.log something, but I'll need the functionnality because I'll have to performe several actions when the user takes his/her eyes out of the game. It's acctually a test. That's why. I want to terminate the test if the user hits Esc, Alt+Tab, etc. The function keyboard(keycode) is exacty the same as in the tutorial. And here's how I'm using it for the Esc key: var keyObjectEsc = keyboard(27);keyObjectEsc.press = function() { console.log('Esc pressed');};keyObjectEsc.release = function() { console.log('Esc released');};Any help is highly appreciated!