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  1. Hello Devs, I would like to know, what do I need to learn to play with PixiJS? I want to create advanced games in 2d. I know Pixi is not a game engine and there are other frameworks like Phaser, Cocos2D, MelonJS and so on... Pixi will be useful to me to develop other projects besides games. Perhaps the most experienced here can give me tips and also other people who are having difficulties. Thanks.
  2. Hey guys, tldr: I'd love to know if any of you would be interested in a noBackend solution for turn based games. For you (as a game dev) that would mean just program 2 files for a game: client.js (all the game design) and server.js (the game logic, so that cheats are prevented) and upload them, and you would have your game online, with all the multiplayer functionality (login, invitation flow, game creation, notifications, chat) for free. These are not words in the air, most of the pieces are technically coded already. Longer version: After having spent an important time looking around, it seems that nowadays, making a multiplayer game cannot go without having to set up a backend and some kind of infra. More importantly, most games that I have seen that supposedly offer a multiplayer functionality, are actually lacking most of the important features to do so. In particular, it seems almost impossible to play with friends in any of them. And in a way, it totally makes sense: When you are an indie developer, what you're mostly interested in is designing a great game, not dealing with all the stuff that has to go around it. And the sad part is that some great games never make it online because of these barriers. I have been working on a game (adaptation of Risk) for a long time - can be found at http://plynd.com ; already mentionned in an earlier post on this forum. And as a matter of fact, all the extra stuff (what I call the beyond-the-game experience) really interests me, as I am a backend engineer originally. And all the work that I've done for Risk has no reason not to serve other people. Therefore I am turning this game into a platform, and these are the specs: - All the identity and game management flow is taken care of by the platform (think of : "you've been invited by .. to play" or "it is your turn") - The backend is provided to store your game state (think plain json) - The realtime and notification flow is for free => This would basically always set you up in a situation where n players have joined your game. Which means that, as a game developer you can just focus on 2 things: - implement all the game design within one client.js file. It is run in the browser of the user. nothing new there. - implement all the game logic that you do not want to run on the client side in server.js. This is where the game state should be updated (to react to players' events). This will run on our servers and you will have a seamless bridge to call these functions from the client.js file. This is not completely implemented yet, I am working hard to make it happen with a friend of mine. But we have technically proven all the pieces required to make it work. We are now working on making a very basic Connect-4 so people can see how it would really all work together. Note: the game would be available everywhere (iOS, Android, web) within dedicated apps (but that's HTML5, so you were expecting it right?) So (finally) comes the questions: would you see that as interesting? Would you use it? What would be your potential concerns? Aside from the technical aspect (that we are pretty confident about) do you think we are completely off somewhere? Thank you very much for reading this very long post! Laurent
  3. Hi guys, I made an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS that I would like to share with you. Components GitHub repository
  4. I'm looking to start making 2D games with Javascript, but after researching and looking at other games source codes, I can't decide whether to use the HTML canvas to render my games or a framework. First of all, this forum may be a little biased since it hosts many forums of rendering frameworks, so I'm looking for a clear, unbiased answer on which one would be easier and more flexible, as well as some good ones to choose from. When I first started, the obvious choice would be to use a framework, as many articles state, "There's no point in reinventing the wheel". However, after looking at some popular web-based 2D games, it seems like most like to use canvas to render. I've looked myself into Pixi.js, but even though it has some amazing features (WebGL with canvas fallback, built in loop), I feel like it still lacks the flexibility of the HTML canvas. For example, if I wanted to make a circle that can be morphed or manipulated, I could do it using canvas with curves, however, with Pixi.js, it doesn't seem to have that kind of flexibility. I'd like to know what others on this forum think, and possibly why or why not they choose to use a framework. (Keep in mind I'm looking for a rendering framework, not a full-featured game framework) Thanks!
  5. Hey! I want to create a game thats can run on as many platforms natively. So being a front-end developer i turned to webGL. But i have a few questions: 1 ) Is possible to create big complex and demanding games like: Unturned Risk of Rain Hotline miami Minecraft Terraria Nidhogg Battle block theater Both Graphical as Technical. 2 ) If you use a html wrapper to create a .exe, .apk etc. is the source code protected? Also can you compile to consoles? 3 ) I have read that you can code in c++ and compile it to javascript is that functional? Also is it possbile to write in an high-level strong language and compile that to javascript (i do not like weakly typed languages, and C++ is to low-level for me) 4 ) How does it come that i can not find any big games made in webGL (only tech demo's, fancy websites and games on this forum) 5 ) When i looked around this forum i dident saw any three.js based games. Why is that? i looked at the tech demo's of many engines and three.js looked the most promising. Or is there something i missed? 6 ) Is webGL for my project a smart choice? At the end i dont want my game to be playeble on the web. Only for stand alone on pc, linux, mac. (mobile and console if the project succeeds) 7 ) What is the best engine to use for a 2d/2.5d with some nice light effects? 8 ) Does the steam SDK for achievements, joining friends, steam controller etc. work well with webGL? Thanks for reading, it would mean a great deal to me if you know a answer to one of my questions!
  6. Hello! In the age of flash there was a well-known MVC frameworks. A lot of small and big, 2d, event-based games, portals, apps are built upon it. And now flash is almost dead. But the people and companies still has the same needs from that kind of content (games, engines, portals, ..). Our team found a very similar solution PIXI + custom MVC + Typescript. PIXI is so web and we have to maintain PIXI - a problem. 1. What framework should be used to create an event-based game today? Phaser - no. It's big for games without any physics and no onFrameUpdate needs ? 2. Is there out any new framework/approach to build and structure that kind of applications ? 3. Do you have some good ideas at whole? Give more ideas, solutions, best practices on web and etc. Thanks !
  7. Ciappa

    Framework or Canvas

    Hi, I'm new in the HTML5 game developing, and i want to know what framework or engine to use for my first 2d game. I want a framework that permit to get high-performance,or i should to use canvas? Maybe,could you link to me some tutorials about thet framework? Thank. Sorry for my english,I don't know well english
  8. ST4H

    Please help ;__;

    Please, can someone tell me how to import framework Phaser3 or other framework to Ionic? (for reference, i want to use phaser only) When i simply run html file in browser it works, but in ionic lab i can see white screen
  9. Hi, i want make a rpg game but i don't know what frameworks use for it, i would can use phaser but i have difficulty with this( collide, physics, etc), any idea o suggest for make my rpg game? ( i don't want use unity)
  10. Hello everybody! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Our team wants to start making simple HTML5 games for our Android / IOS apps. Games are supposed to be ran inside the WebView. We are looking for a very lightweight engine, because there is already ads placed at the bottom of the screen in our apps. Our first attempt was Phaser.js, but the performance wasn't the greatest inside the WebView. Choppy sprite movements, common fps drops and so on. If you guys know an engine that could help us achieve the goal, please let me know! Thank you in advance!
  11. Hello! What are your experiences with creating Android Apps/Games in Pixi js? I did some research and I found many possibilities, but I can't decide on what to use. Maybe you can help me with this. I found similar topics but responses were given in 2015 and we all know how fast things change. Some of the projects didn't change much and I don't want to risk my project being not compatible with the most recent devices. My goal is also to get good performance and to be able to easily test my game during development. So we have Cocoon, NativeScript, Cordova PhoneGap, Cordova Ionic. Which one do You recommend?
  12. >First of all: Sorry for my shitty english... I created this collaborative framework not with the intention of remaking the library(phaser) but organize code and the development environment. I separated in three parts: > Pkframework (github project) The framework itself // need to documentation @todo > Pkframework exemples (github project) Which will be both the repository of examples as the initial development models > Pkframework client (github project) Install the initial models and make them work (webserver, auto typescript compile/deploy, liveload, etc ...) I have some goals: > Development time - Quick installation of an initial template. (Pkframe init -p <example-dir>) - Modular, exensive and reusable code. Create your own lib and / or packages. > Simplify some concepts and create easy way to make somethings: - Layers (@done) - Paralax (@todo) - Pass parameters between states in a clearer way (done) - Events function as (actionscript like) [listener / handler] (done) - Prod / Dev env, deploy and configuration (@todo) - Premade UI layers, boxes, talkbox (@todo) - Integrate external apis (facebook / twitter) (@todo) > Export to mobile My next step is create something like: pkframe export --platform=android --release Export your project using cordova and generate a apk. (Or xcode project for [ios]) > Organizing the development environment If you get the code from another programmer, and this game was made using the framework, it will have a structure pattern. Which also makes it easier to work with someone. > Make It Simple! One of the things I love about the phaser is its simplicity. I started only with the framework, but I managed, through pk-client, to work with 2 commands. You no longer need to worry about apache/ngix, typescript compile (or prototype native js), and no browser refreash! A very similar environment with ionic. Only you need if NodeJS installed and pkframe client: - Install nodejs - run [npm install -g pkframe] Ok, now to install one of the initial templates or examples just need to run: - [pkframe init] // in an empty folder | default get a basic example/template | you can use [-p layers] to see another littler more complex example - [pkframe go] // to run all the rest // for some reason, only the first time i run [pkframe init], a get a error but, on the second attempt works. Dont give up! With the server running(simple local httpserver), each change in the code will compile the ts(auto tsc -w) files and refresh the browser(liveload). I wonder what you think of the idea? How is a fully open source project, I thought of something collaborative.
  13. Hey everyone, I'm one of the developers of Curve Fever which is a multiplayer snake game. Due to a complete redesign and performance/loading issues we plan to remake the game with HTML5 canvas. We've already done a little bit of research but I'm already noticing there are hundreds of options for everything. Reading through each option would first of all take a lot of time and secondly it's always advertised better than it is and it leaves out the downsides. I'm looking for some general advice and some advice on frameworks and tools to use. I have a few concerns and requirements listed below along with the information about our current project/setup. About the project The current game is made in Unity and exported to WebGL. However, 20% of the users are unable to load the game and 25% of the users that can load the game has FPS below 40. This is too high and we've had several talks with the developers that work on WebGL in Unity but they say that it's unlikely that it's gonna have massive improvements. Totally understandable because Unity is a massive engine and WebGL is mostly used for demos and such and not full games. Our game is a 2D topdown multiplayer snake game played by milions of users. The servers are custom made with Go(lang) and the communication is done with websockets using Protobuf messages. Most of the game is actually UI for things like chat, friends, shop, lobby, profile, popups and so on. Requirements These are the main requirements we have for our new setup. Exportable for standalone (Windows, MacOS and Linux) - Preferably with generic API's for native things. Exportable for Android and iOS - Preferably with generic API's for native things. Exportable for web portals and Facebook. Being able to run the game locally on Windows, MacOS & Linux. Great workflow for quick development and design. Structured code base (Typescript?) Easy for designers to create UI elements and such. Easy to create UI animations. (or animations in general) Rapid prototyping. Quick load times Good performance on multiple devices. Some kind of versioning would be great. It's also quite important that it's open source. Specific questions Here are some specific questions we have currently. We're mostly just looking for general advice on what to use and what not to use with the requirements we have. Is there something like Electron that also exports to mobile or do we have to use two services? Is it correct that it's best to create UI in the dom? If so, how well will it work with services that export the game? Since most of our game is UI would it be wiser to not use a game engine like Phaser? To give some more context, basically all we have to do in the game is render curves (lines) on the field. The curves will have to be erased too because of client side prediction (multiplayer networking). Is there something that lets us create UI elements easily with animations and such like it's done in Unity? I know that a lot can be done with HTML, CSS and JS but not all game designers may be experts with this and it'd be much easier if there was some sort of software where designers can design the game in. How good are the profilers/debuggers in the available engines? Or do people often only use the browser profiler/debugger? Just putting this here for people that only read these questions. What are some good practices and workflows. Would be great to hear what stack of tools and libraries etc people use and why.
  14. Hello, I am a co-founder of a startup, right now we are two people working on developing an app for brain training using a sensor that can measure brain signals. It is a desktop application written in JavaScript using Electron. We have decided that we would like to have a game working inside of the application, that can take incoming signals from the sensor and use them to control the game. For example it could be increasing speed or height as the signal increases. We have been looking into game frameworks/engines to do this. Since we are using JavaScript we would prefer to keep working with that. Electron uses a chromium browser so it also needs to work with HTML5. We have a lot of other things to focus on so preferably we would like to be able to build games quickly and easily, my co-founder prefers not to code so much so we have been looking into drag-and-drop GUI based ways of building games. Like Construct 2, Buildbox, Game Salad, Gamebuilder Studio and lately Qiciengine. We really liked Qiciengine as it is open source and completely JavaScript and HTML but now we found out that it is no longer being developed. I am already getting errors running it with the latest Node version so it does not seem very promising to use without any further development. The game itself can be quite simple, we are thinking 2D and having some character fly in the middle of the screen, going up or down as the signal increases or decreases and receiving points/bonuses based on some score system. I have been a bit concerned with using GUI based drag-and-drop game engines to generate the code as we need the game to integrate well inside of our application and we also need to send in values to control the game, that makes me think that a more code-based framework like Phaser may be a good choice for us as it would ease integration and allow us to have one codebase. On the other hand it may take longer to develop as I would have to write all the code. That said is there anyone who can recommend us how we could develop this game? Would it be ok to use the qiciengine even if it will not be developed? In general do you think it would be hard to integrate a drag-and-drop solution that generates code into our existing application? Would it mean more work in the end as we would have to keep separate code-bases/projects synced?
  15. I'll start... 1. What if Microsoft took over (bought for £2,830,690) BJS? After all, @Deltakosh is/was Microsoft? I know, for years MS used to be an acronym for "backward", but look at them now - getting all friendly with unix and, lo and behold - Typescript. Typescript alone restored my faith in humanity (read javascript). I'm surprised to be honest they didn't put their considerable muscle behind any 3d endeavors (except Softimage, which was bought and swiftly killed off by the wankers @ Autodesk... Softimage was and still is a love at first sight for me).
  16. Hi guys I am new here and so far i was using GUI game engines to create games.From all back-end testings so far that i done on various programming languages and scripting languages i realised that html5 is best solution for my game development.Now i decided to ditch game engines and learn actual coding in some of the frameworks so my code could be much more cleaner,run faster,have better optimization and quality of the games would overall be better.But this is not just for games,but also for personal reasons because i like to be properly educated instead of using most convenient tools. Now i am interested in learning some js framework that has good community support and tutorials,that is easy and fast on learning and performance and if possible to implement in Ubuntu SDK. Also i am mainly using GNU/linux and one of the reasons why i would like to use js is to be mobile and OS independent.but from all OS so far Ubuntu SDK seems like a decent solution for cordova runtime,i tried to use it with phaser but i did not succeed to render cordova runtime instead it was in plain web view. Now overall it does not have to be Ubuntu SDK,but i am interested in HTML5 framework that i can port(wrap) to desktop mainly(mobile would be good to). Any ideas what's the best and why,please write down below,it would help me a lot. Regards
  17. Hi guys, I just want to know what is the framework which is optimized for mobile, i've used Phaser to make a game but it is very slow in mobile, is there any other framework that work perfect for mobile ?
  18. Hello everyone, I am new to phaser and I have an assignment to create a cooking/serving game(using phaser).. you know, where you have customers and you have to cook burgers e.g., you have time and some goal. I can't really find a useful phaser tutorial for such game. And I can't write the logic myself. So I was wondering has anyone seen such a tutorial, or can you link me some other useful readings and tutorials, that will help me get started. These are similar games to what I want to create: 1. http://www.y8.com/games/delicious_burger_shop 2. http://www.y8.com/games/breakfast_bar 3. http://www.y8.com/games/oscar_mayer_deli_creations
  19. Hello Guys! at Grey Rook we had the need to have non-code descriptions of the PIXI stage and animations, you know, like HTML. So we created POM - PIXI Object Model. It is JSON and if you know PIXI you know POM: { "type":"sprite", "values": { "position": { "x":100, "y":100 }, "source":"image.png" } } We built all our tooling around this, one of our clients has nearly 3k animations using it, with over 99% of them sharing the exact same JavaScript and are pure JSON! We want to share some of the internal tools and helpers we wrote with the PIXI community. We are starting with POM - the most central piece. So please let us know if there is interest! The documentation is a bare minimum and we are going to improve it - let us know what you are looking for! http://greyrook.github.io/POM/ Details Our scene is composed of elements, like Containers, Sprites, Graphics, or any other custom element you come up with. What attributes these elements have is represented as JSON data, like the example above. All you have to do is pass the data representation to the manager and let it create the scene for you. It works like a factory, where you can register any custom Element you want, as long as it has the methods for processing the JSON data. We extracted POM out of our internal source tree and open sourced it. If there is interest more is to follow, for example our tweenJS-based AnimationManager, that takes JSON data of timelines and creates all the tweens for you, aswell as synchronize animations that use our custom tweens for controlling videos, and checking their buffering status. We hope this is useful for others too, so we can build it and make it awesome together. For a start we have created a minimal project page where you can find the information we have collected so far, we are currently mostly looking into improving our documentation, test coverage and examples. Why We built an online animation editor where users can create (and animate) scenes direcly in the browser and view them again anywhere else in a player. For this we mostly use PIXI (and TweenJS), the backbone of the project is our PIXI Object Model (POM) and its' manager. About us We are Grey Rook Entertainment, a software development and graphic design company from Mülheim an der Ruhr in Germany, designing and manufacturing interactive HTML5 expieriences, and connecting them with the real world.
  20. i am new to phaser framework. i start making a new game on notepad using phaser.min.js file but it shows nothing on browser no image no canvas. can anybody tell me whats the problem??
  21. Hi. I'm new in the forum. I haven't seen any introduction section so I'll make a little introduction of myself here. I'm Albert and Im 17 years old, and I'm from Spain (so excuse me if my English isn't good at all). I learned javascript and html5 a year ago, and I started creating my first game from scratch about six months ago (I do it in free time), a platform one with even a level editor created by me. As it was my first experience, I decided to do it without using any framework so I could understand how everything works. Now that I'm about to finish I think this has been a very good experience, but I think it would have been a lot easier (and less time consuming, of course) with a framework. So my question goes here: Does programming without a framework gives any benefit or advantage? I don't think so, but I'm very new to this so maybe someone can surprise me.
  22. I am seeking some motivation and looking to see some projects that have been built or a WIP without a framework unless it was created by you to give me some motivation.
  23. Hi HTML5 devs! I just released a tutorial on how to build a fully multiplayer game on Plynd I've been contributing to this forum a few times, especially in this topic: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/9324-thoughts-on-final-design-for-nobackend-cross-device-platform-for-turn-based-games/ Plynd allows to build multiplayer games as easily as solo games: ​No backend required: We provide the infrastructure! You can save and retrieve all the data that you need about your game without any server to set up. Even better, you can register some javascript functions to be run server-side.Full multiplayer environment: We provide the coding-expensive experience of setting up a multiplayer game: Authentication flow, invitation, matching, notifications, chat, and more are there automatically for your players to enjoy.The tutorial covers everything that's needed in order to build such a game. It is very detailed, but pretty fast to take. I'd love to have your feedback on it, and I'm available on this forum, or at laurent@plynd.com, to answer any question you might have regarding this tuto or whatever else :-) Also, if you have any suggestion as to where to showcase this tutorial in order to get some readers, I'd love to take them :-) Thank you very much! Demo video.mov
  24. From the release of the HTML5 to now, a lot of frameworks and softwares such as GameMaker, Construct, Phaser..., are appeared along this periode, and now the price of a game is between 500-1000$ for you, what if there is no framework and no software, what if there is just pure javascript, what do you think the price of a HTML5 games ?
  25. Hi there I'm new to this forum and fairly new to gaming, especially mobile gaming. I would like to start developing simple games using Canvas and javascript. The greatest challenge I can see so far and creating a full-screen (or close to fullscreen) experience across different devices. To be honest, I would be happy if I could even guarantee my games would work on all iphones alone. I guess my question is, is there a template or framework that exists that would act as a starting point and at least have most popular devices appearing in fullscreen? I started a game using this tutorial. It's a great tutorial an I learned a lot but it doesn't really address handling different aspect ratios. Any input would be helpful! Thanks
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