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Hi all, I'm doing my first project in Phaser 3 (3.22.0) and am running into a strange issue in browsers other than Firefox (so far Chrome and Safari). Occasionally, when I reload the page, either when running on a local server or on a web server, the game loads as a blank, black screen. Even after allowing the page to load for minutes, the screen remains black. There are no errors in the console, and I'm not able to reproduce the problem consistently. Sometimes, refreshing from the black screen loads the game normally, and sometimes it reloads into the black screen. Screenshots of normal load and black screen load attached. I'm guessing that this has something to do with the browser cache, as I've never had this issue when loading in a new browser for the first time or immediately after clearing the cache. However, I'm not sure of this. Is there a way to force the browser not to pull from cache? Why would this not be happening in Firefox? It may or may not be relevant to know that the project includes a number of videos (total around 150MB). My code is posted below. I apologize for the disorganization and length. Please let me know if you have any insight into what might be going wrong here, or if I can provide additional information about my situation that would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help! <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Storm Smart - Prototype</title> <link rel='shortcut icon' href='assets/sprites/favicon.ico'> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="//[email protected]/dist/phaser.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1280, height: 720, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); var activeVideo = -1; var video; var videoGroup; var videoStarted; var choice1Started; var choice2Started; var choice3Started; var xButton; var homeButton; var blizzardArea; var hurricaneArea; var thunderstormArea; var tornadoArea; var blizzardPlayButton; var hurricanePlayButton; var thunderstormPlayButton; var tornadoPlayButton; var blizzardAudio; var hurricaneAudio; var thunderstormAudio; var tornadoAudio; var hazardAudio; var choice1Audio; var choice2Audio; var choice3Audio; var choice1; var choice2; var choice3; var muted; var creditsStartTime = 0; var creditsRolling; var choices = [ [false, true, false], [true, false, false], [true, false, false], [false, false, true], [false, true, false], [false, true, false], [true, false, false], [false, false, true] ]; var icons = [ ['coverIcon', 'flashlightIcon', 'appliancesIcon'], ['indoorsIcon', 'petsIcon', 'windowsIcon'], ['evacuateIcon', 'windowsIcon', 'warmClothesIcon'], ['appliancesIcon', 'flashlightIcon', 'windowsIcon'], ['warmClothesIcon', 'appliancesIcon', 'evacuateIcon'], ['waterBottlesIcon', 'petsIcon', 'basementIcon'], ['coverIcon', 'warmClothesIcon', 'appliancesIcon'], ['flashlightIcon', 'waterBottlesIcon', 'basementIcon'] ]; var videos = [ 'powerOutagesVideo', 'snowyDrivingVideo', 'floodingVideo', 'fallingTreesVideo', 'lightningVideo', 'hailVideo', 'tornadoVideo', 'fallingTreesVideo' ]; var hazards = [ 'noElectricityAudio', 'dangerousRoadsAudio', 'floodingAudio', 'fallingTreesAudio', 'lightningAudio', 'hailAudio', 'flyingObjectsAudio', 'fallingTreesAudio' ]; var hazardsText = [ "No electricity", "Dangerous roads", "Flooding", "Falling trees or branches", "Lightning", "Hail", "Flying objects", "Falling trees or branches" ]; var choicesAudio = [ ['coverAudio', 'flashlightAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio'], ['goInsideAudio', 'animalsAudio', 'windowsAudio'], ['higherGroundAudio', 'windowsAudio', 'warmlyAudio'], ['unplugElectricityAudio', 'flashlightAudio', 'windowsAudio'], ['warmlyAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio', 'higherGroundAudio'], ['stockUpAudio', 'animalsAudio', 'lowestFloorAudio'], ['coverAudio', 'warmlyAudio', 'unplugElectricityAudio'], ['flashlightAudio', 'stockUpAudio', 'lowestFloorAudio'] ]; var choicesText = [ ['Take cover', 'Keep a flashlight handy', 'Unplug electricity'], ['Go inside', 'Bring animals inside', 'Stay away from windows'], ['Move to higher ground', 'Stay away from windows', 'Dress warmly'], ['Unplug electricity', 'Keep a flashlight handy', 'Stay away from windows'], ['Dress warmly', 'Unplug electricity', 'Move to higher ground'], ['Stock up', 'Bring animals inside', 'Go to the lowest floor'], ['Take cover', 'Dress warmly', 'Unplug electricity'], ['Keep a flashlight handy', 'Stock up', 'Go to the lowest floor'] ]; function preload () { this.load.image('map', 'assets/sprites/map.png'); this.load.image('playButton', 'assets/sprites/playButton.png'); this.load.image('blizzardButton', 'assets/sprites/blizzard.png'); this.load.image('hurricaneButton', 'assets/sprites/hurricane.png'); this.load.image('thunderstormButton', 'assets/sprites/thunderstorm.png'); this.load.image('tornadoButton', 'assets/sprites/tornado.png'); this.load.image('blizzardArea', 'assets/sprites/blizzardArea.png'); this.load.image('hurricaneArea', 'assets/sprites/hurricaneArea.png'); this.load.image('thunderstormArea', 'assets/sprites/thunderstormArea.png'); this.load.image('tornadoArea', 'assets/sprites/tornadoArea.png'); this.load.image('phoneIcon', 'assets/sprites/doNotUseLandLinePhone.png'); this.load.image('evacuateIcon', 'assets/sprites/evacuate.png'); this.load.image('indoorsIcon', 'assets/sprites/goIndoorsAwayFromWindows.png'); this.load.image('basementIcon', 'assets/sprites/goToBasement.png'); this.load.image('lowestFloorIcon', 'assets/sprites/goToLowestFloor.png'); this.load.image('petsIcon', 'assets/sprites/pets.png'); this.load.image('flashlightIcon', 'assets/sprites/prepareForPowerOutages.png'); this.load.image('coverIcon', 'assets/sprites/protectHeadAndNeck.png'); this.load.image('windowsIcon', 'assets/sprites/stayAwayFromWindows.png'); this.load.image('roadsIcon', 'assets/sprites/stayOffRoads.png'); this.load.image('appliancesIcon', 'assets/sprites/unplugAppliances.png'); this.load.image('flyingDebrisIcon', 'assets/sprites/watchOutForFlyingDebris.png'); this.load.image('waterBottlesIcon', 'assets/sprites/waterBottles.png'); this.load.image('warmClothesIcon', 'assets/sprites/wearWarmClothes.png'); this.load.image('transparent', 'assets/sprites/transparent.png'); this.load.image('overlay', 'assets/sprites/overlay.png'); this.load.image('button', 'assets/sprites/button.png'); this.load.image('xButton', 'assets/sprites/xButton.png'); this.load.image('homeButton', 'assets/sprites/homeButton.png'); this.load.image('soundButton', 'assets/sprites/soundButton.png');'blizzardAudio', 'assets/audio/blizzard.mp3');'hurricaneAudio', 'assets/audio/hurricane.mp3');'thunderstormAudio', 'assets/audio/thunderstorm.mp3');'tornadoAudio', 'assets/audio/tornado.mp3');'animalsAudio', 'assets/audio/animals.mp3');'coverAudio', 'assets/audio/cover.mp3');'dangerousRoadsAudio', 'assets/audio/dangerousRoads.mp3');'fallingTreesAudio', 'assets/audio/fallingTreesOrBranches.mp3');'floodingAudio', 'assets/audio/flooding.mp3');'flyingObjectsAudio', 'assets/audio/flyingObjects.mp3');'goInsideAudio', 'assets/audio/goInside.mp3');'hailAudio', 'assets/audio/hail.mp3');'higherGroundAudio', 'assets/audio/higherGround.mp3');'flashlightAudio', 'assets/audio/keepAFlashlight.mp3');'lightningAudio', 'assets/audio/lightning.mp3');'lowestFloorAudio', 'assets/audio/lowestFloor.mp3');'noElectricityAudio', 'assets/audio/noElectricity.mp3');'stockUpAudio', 'assets/audio/stockUp.mp3');'unplugElectricityAudio', 'assets/audio/unplugElectricity.mp3');'warmlyAudio', 'assets/audio/warmly.mp3');'windowsAudio', 'assets/audio/windows.mp3');'fallingTreesVideo', 'assets/video/fallingTrees.mp4');'floodingVideo', 'assets/video/flooding.mp4');'hailVideo', 'assets/video/hail.mp4');'powerOutagesVideo', 'assets/video/icyRoad.mp4');'lightningVideo', 'assets/video/lightning.mp4');'snowyDrivingVideo', 'assets/video/snowyDriving.mp4');'tornadoVideo', 'assets/video/tornado.mp4'); this.load.text('credits', 'assets/text/credits.txt'); } function create() { // Audio setup // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blizzardAudio = this.sound.add('blizzardAudio'); hurricaneAudio = this.sound.add('hurricaneAudio'); thunderstormAudio = this.sound.add('thunderstormAudio'); tornadoAudio = this.sound.add('tornadoAudio'); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gameScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); map = this.add.image(500, 150, 'map'); map.scaleX = 1.5; map.scaleY = 1.5; blizzardArea = this.add.image(840, 360, 'blizzardArea'); blizzardArea. scaleX = .55; blizzardArea.scaleY = .55; blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); blizzardPlayButton = this.add.image(820, 370, 'playButton'); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricaneArea = this.add.image(960, 430, 'hurricaneArea'); hurricaneArea. scaleX = .38; hurricaneArea.scaleY = .38; hurricaneArea.angle = -10; hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricanePlayButton = this.add.image(1000, 400, 'playButton'); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormArea = this.add.image(700, 400, 'thunderstormArea'); thunderstormArea. scaleX = .8; thunderstormArea.scaleY = .8; thunderstormArea.angle = -1; thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormPlayButton = this.add.image(720, 400, 'playButton'); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoArea = this.add.image(840, 400, 'tornadoArea'); tornadoArea. scaleX = .5; tornadoArea.scaleY = .5; tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoPlayButton = this.add.image(750, 400, 'playButton'); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardUnderlay = this.add.image(265, 700, 'overlay'); blizzardUnderlay.scaleX = 50; blizzardUnderlay.scaleY = 10; blizzardText = this.add.text(265, 700, 'Blizzard', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); blizzardText.setOrigin(0.5); blizzardButton = this.add.image(265, 620, 'blizzardButton'); blizzardButton.scaleX = .15; blizzardButton.scaleY = .15; blizzardButton.setInteractive(); hurricaneUnderlay = this.add.image(515, 700, 'overlay'); hurricaneUnderlay.scaleX = 50; hurricaneUnderlay.scaleY = 10; hurricaneText = this.add.text(515, 700, 'Hurricane', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); hurricaneText.setOrigin(0.5); hurricaneButton = this.add.image(515, 620, 'hurricaneButton'); hurricaneButton.scaleX = .15; hurricaneButton.scaleY = .15; hurricaneButton.setInteractive(); thunderstormUnderlay = this.add.image(765, 700, 'overlay'); thunderstormUnderlay.scaleX = 50; thunderstormUnderlay.scaleY = 10; thunderstormText = this.add.text(765, 700, 'Thunderstorm', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); thunderstormText.setOrigin(0.5); thunderstormButton = this.add.image(765, 620, 'thunderstormButton'); thunderstormButton.scaleX = .15; thunderstormButton.scaleY = .15; thunderstormButton.setInteractive(); tornadoUnderlay = this.add.image(1015, 700, 'overlay'); tornadoUnderlay.scaleX = 50; tornadoUnderlay.scaleY = 10; tornadoText = this.add.text(1015, 700, 'Tornado', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); tornadoText.setOrigin(0.5); tornadoButton = this.add.image(1015, 620, 'tornadoButton'); tornadoButton.scaleX = .15; tornadoButton.scaleY = .15; tornadoButton.setInteractive(); homeButton = this.add.image(40, 50, 'homeButton'); homeButton.scaleX = .2; homeButton.scaleY = .2; homeButton.setInteractive(); /*soundButton = this.add.image(120, 50, 'soundButton'); soundButton.scaleX = .22; soundButton.scaleY = .22; soundButton.setInteractive();*/ gameScreen.add(blizzardArea); gameScreen.add(blizzardPlayButton); gameScreen.add(hurricaneArea); gameScreen.add(hurricanePlayButton); gameScreen.add(thunderstormArea); gameScreen.add(thunderstormPlayButton); gameScreen.add(tornadoArea); gameScreen.add(tornadoPlayButton); gameScreen.add(blizzardUnderlay); gameScreen.add(blizzardText); gameScreen.add(blizzardButton); gameScreen.add(hurricaneUnderlay); gameScreen.add(hurricaneText); gameScreen.add(hurricaneButton); gameScreen.add(thunderstormUnderlay); gameScreen.add(thunderstormText); gameScreen.add(thunderstormButton); gameScreen.add(tornadoUnderlay); gameScreen.add(tornadoText); gameScreen.add(tornadoButton); gameScreen.add(homeButton); //gameScreen.add(soundButton); gameScreen.visible = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Game screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Home button // ------------------------------------------------ homeButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = true; gameScreen.visible = false; }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Sound button // ------------------------------------------------ /*soundButton.on('pointerdown', () => { if(muted == true) { muted = false; soundButton.setAlpha(1); if(muted) { video.setVolume(1); } } else { muted = true; soundButton.setAlpha(.3); if(muted) { video.setVolume(0); } } });*/ // ------------------------------------------------ // Blizzard button // ------------------------------------------------ blizzardButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(0); playStormName(0); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Hurricane button // ------------------------------------------------ hurricaneButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(1); playStormName(1); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Thunderstorm button // ------------------------------------------------ thunderstormButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(2); playStormName(2); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Tornado button // ------------------------------------------------ tornadoButton.on('pointerdown', () => { showStormArea(3); playStormName(3); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Blizzard play button // ------------------------------------------------ blizzardPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(0); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Hurricane play button // ------------------------------------------------ hurricanePlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(2); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Thunderstorm play button // ------------------------------------------------ thunderstormPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(4); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // Tornado play button // ------------------------------------------------ tornadoPlayButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(6); }); // ------------------------------------------------ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- titleScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); titleBackground = this.add.image(640, 360, 'overlay'); titleBackground.scaleX = 320; titleBackground.scaleY = 180; titleBackground.setInteractive(); titleText = this.add.text(640, 280, 'Storm Smart', { fontSize: '64px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); titleText.setOrigin(0.5); //subtitleText = this.add.text(640, 400, 'Click anywhere to play', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); //subtitleText.setOrigin(0.5); playButton = this.add.image(640, 400, 'button'); playButton.scaleX = 0.5; playButton.scaleY = 0.5; playButton.setInteractive(); playButtonText = this.add.text(640, 400, 'Play', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#000', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); playButtonText.setOrigin(0.5); creditsButton = this.add.image(640, 490, 'button'); creditsButton.scaleX = 0.5; creditsButton.scaleY = 0.5; creditsButton.setInteractive(); creditsButtonText = this.add.text(640, 490, 'Credits', { fontSize: '36px', fill: '#000', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); creditsButtonText.setOrigin(0.5); titleScreen.add(titleBackground); titleScreen.add(titleText); //titleScreen.add(subtitleText); titleScreen.add(playButton); titleScreen.add(playButtonText); titleScreen.add(creditsButton); titleScreen.add(creditsButtonText); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Credits screen definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creditsScreen = this.add.container(0, 0); creditsBackground = this.add.image(640, 360, 'overlay'); creditsBackground.scaleX = 320; creditsBackground.scaleY = 180; creditsBackground.setInteractive(); cache = this.cache.text; creditsText = this.add.text(640, 550, cache.get('credits'), { fontSize: '16px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif', align: 'center', wordWrap: { width: 750, useAdvancedWrap: true } }); creditsText.setOrigin(0.5, 0); creditsHomeButton = this.add.image(40, 50, 'homeButton'); creditsHomeButton.scaleX = .2; creditsHomeButton.scaleY = .2; creditsHomeButton.setInteractive(); creditsScreen.add(creditsBackground); creditsScreen.add(creditsText); creditsScreen.add(creditsHomeButton); creditsScreen.visible = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- playButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = false; gameScreen.visible = true; gameScreen.setDepth(1); }); creditsButton.on('pointerdown', () => { titleScreen.visible = false; creditsScreen.visible = true; }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Credits screen events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- creditsHomeButton.on('pointerdown', () => { creditsStartTime = 0; titleScreen.visible = true; creditsScreen.visible = false; }); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function update() { if(videoStarted) { if(!hazardAudio.isPlaying && !choice1Started) { showChoice1(); } else if(choice1Started && !choice1Audio.isPlaying && !choice2Started) { showChoice2(); } else if(choice2Started && !choice2Audio.isPlaying && !choice3Started) { showChoice3(); } else if(choice3Started && !choice3Audio.isPlaying) { enableChoices(); } } if(creditsScreen.visible) { scrollCredits(); } } function showStormArea(stormNumber) { if(stormNumber == 0) { blizzardArea.setDepth(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); blizzardPlayButton.setDepth(2); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(1); blizzardPlayButton.setInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else if(stormNumber == 1) { hurricaneArea.setDepth(1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricanePlayButton.setDepth(2); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(1); hurricanePlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else if(stormNumber == 2) { thunderstormArea.setDepth(1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormPlayButton.setDepth(2); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(1); thunderstormPlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(0); tornadoPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } else { tornadoArea.setDepth(1); tornadoArea.setAlpha(1); blizzardArea.setAlpha(.1); hurricaneArea.setAlpha(.1); thunderstormArea.setAlpha(.1); tornadoPlayButton.setDepth(2); tornadoPlayButton.setAlpha(1); tornadoPlayButton.setInteractive(); blizzardPlayButton.setAlpha(0); blizzardPlayButton.removeInteractive(); hurricanePlayButton.setAlpha(0); hurricanePlayButton.removeInteractive(); thunderstormPlayButton.setAlpha(0); thunderstormPlayButton.removeInteractive(); } } function playStormName(stormNumber) { if(stormNumber == 0) { if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!blizzardAudio.isPlaying) {; } } else if(stormNumber == 1) { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!hurricaneAudio.isPlaying) {; } } else if(stormNumber == 2) { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } if(!thunderstormAudio.isPlaying) {; } } else { if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(!tornadoAudio.isPlaying) {; } } } function playVideo(videoNumber) { videoStarted = false; choice1Started = false; choice2Started = false; choice3Started = false; // Stop all storm name audio // ------------------------------------------------ if(blizzardAudio != null) { blizzardAudio.stop(); } if(hurricaneAudio != null) { hurricaneAudio.stop(); } if(thunderstormAudio != null) { thunderstormAudio.stop(); } if(tornadoAudio != null) { tornadoAudio.stop(); } // ------------------------------------------------ // Play video and accompanying audio // ------------------------------------------------ activeVideo = videoNumber; if(videoGroup != null) { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); } videoGroup = game.scene.keys['default'].add.container(0, 0); video = game.scene.keys['default'], 360, videos[activeVideo]);; video.setInteractive(); video.setVolume(0); videoGroup.add(video); hazardTextUnderlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 50, 'overlay'); hazardTextUnderlay.scaleX = 140; hazardTextUnderlay.scaleY = 25; videoGroup.add(hazardTextUnderlay); hazardText = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(640, 50, hazardsText[activeVideo], { fontSize: '44px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); hazardText.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(hazardText); hazardAudio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(hazards[activeVideo]);; // ------------------------------------------------ /*xButton = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(1240, 50, 'xButton'); xButton.scaleX = .2; xButton.scaleY = .2; xButton.setInteractive(); videoGroup.add(xButton); xButton.on('pointerdown', () => { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); });*/ videoGroup.setDepth(3); videoStarted = true; } function showChoice1() { choice1 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(340, 590, icons[activeVideo][0]); choice1.scaleX = 1.8; choice1.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice1) choice1.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][0] == true) { choice1.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice1.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice1Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(340, 700, 'overlay'); choice1Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice1Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice1Underlay); choice1Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(340, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][0], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice1Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice1Text); choice1Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][0]);; choice1Started = true; } function showChoice2() { choice2 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 590, icons[activeVideo][1]); choice2.scaleX = 1.8; choice2.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice2) choice2.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][1] == true) { choice2.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice2.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice2Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(640, 700, 'overlay'); choice2Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice2Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice2Underlay); choice2Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(640, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][1], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice2Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice2Text); choice2Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][1]);; choice2Started = true; } function showChoice3() { choice3 = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(940, 590, icons[activeVideo][2]); choice3.scaleX = 1.8; choice3.scaleY = 1.8; videoGroup.add(choice3) choice3.on('pointerdown', () => { if(choices[activeVideo][2] == true) { choice3.setTint(0x66ff66); correctAnswer(); } else { choice3.setTint(0xff6666); } }); choice3Underlay = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(940, 700, 'overlay'); choice3Underlay.scaleX = 74; choice3Underlay.scaleY = 10; videoGroup.add(choice3Underlay); choice3Text = game.scene.keys['default'].add.text(940, 700, choicesText[activeVideo][2], { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff', fontFamily: '"Nunito Sans", sans-serif'}); choice3Text.setOrigin(0.5); videoGroup.add(choice3Text); choice3Audio = game.scene.keys['default'].sound.add(choicesAudio[activeVideo][2]);; choice3Started = true; } function enableChoices() { choice1.setInteractive(); choice2.setInteractive(); choice3.setInteractive(); videoStarted = false; } function correctAnswer() { choice1.removeInteractive(); choice2.removeInteractive(); choice3.removeInteractive(); nextButton = game.scene.keys['default'].add.image(1240, 360, 'playButton'); nextButton.setInteractive(); videoGroup.add(nextButton); if(activeVideo % 2 == 0) { nextButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { playVideo(activeVideo + 1); }); } else{ nextButton.on('pointerdown', function(e) { video.visible = false; videoGroup.destroy(); }); } } function scrollCredits() { if(creditsStartTime == 0) { creditsStartTime =; return; } timeSinceStart = - creditsStartTime; if(timeSinceStart > 2000) { if(creditsText.y > -1500) { creditsText.y -= 1; } } } </script> </body> </html>
Hello! The project is old so PIXI v.3.0.11 is used. For streaming - Flashphoner via WebRTC Steps to reproduce 1. Start video stream in html video element - stream.start(myDiv) which creates streamVideoElement in myDiv 2. When stream fires STREAM_PLAYING event the method PIXI.Texture.fromVideo(streamHtmlVideoElement) is called and the returned texture is set to the specific PIXI.Sprite instance. 3. Somewhere after this the Firefox browser receives error thrown by WebGl: Additional information The problem is happened very rerely Only Firefox Stream(video element) is not failed after the error In the PIXI source code that means: gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.source); What we tried tried to set video.crossOrigin = "anonymos" to the video element but no success. tried to dispose video like video.src = "" and etc according some advices related to the localStorage caching I know it's not directly linked by PIXI but still I need help. And the image of the current block when exception was thrown.
I'm using melon 6.3.0 and I'm self hosting my game. If I run the game via Firefox, it works just fine. (I've also tested MS Edge and the latest version of Opera, they also work) However, when using chrome, the keyboard input acts as though it is 'stuck'. If I push one of the keys I have bound for movement to the left (A or the left arrow), the game behaves as though the key is still pressed even after it has been released. This makes it impossible to move to the right, as the game no longer seems to respond to pressing D or the Right arrow key. However, I can still press the spacebar and the player shoots.
When I run my game in Firefox, after a few minutes of gaming or even just rotating the camera, the FPS in the game starts periodically drops. Of the stable 60 FPS drops by about a couple of seconds to 20-30 or even just stops. And it starts to happen more and more often. To fix this i need to reboot the browser, nothing else helps. I researched in the performance devtools in the browser and found that this is due by "Cycle Collection" process. ( Note: when I start recording performance, all FPS drops disappear, as if I restarted the browser. And I have to wait again for a while before they start. ) Has anyone else experienced this issue? What could it be? Another Firefox's WebGL bug? In Chrome and Edge i have no problems.
I'm trying to navigate a mesh with the arcrotatecamera using Firefox on a Surface Book, but the touch is doing some weird things where if i try to alternate between zooming in and out, and gets stuck. What can I do?
- 2 replies
- arcrotatecamera
- firefox
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Hello, Since some day, firefox turn phaser game slow. All game i have created and even litle game downgrade fps. (60FPS to 30FPS) I dont know where is the problem. i have try use phaser but no change. You can try with this example : if you wait some seconds the animation down to 30fps. this problem is only on firefox (i suppose since v57). All others browsers working fine. Have you an idea where is the problem? Thank you
Hey, all! I've noticed that Firefox (51.0.1 is my version) throws errors when loading all .babylon files that were exported from Blender. The files load fine, though. Should I be concerned with this? It doesn't happen in Chrome, but I'd like to remove the clutter from the Inspector so I don't lose any actual issues in Firefox. Error: (all .babylon files cause this) XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: Line Number 1, Column 1: Playground Link: Thanks!
I have encountered very strange firefox way of multi-line text rendering. Some of the text appears like it has minimal line-height, while other text sprites render normally (see attachment) And if user reloads page - everything start working just fine, but still works wrong if user restarts firefox and then loads page. I can't see any significant difference between right and wrong rendered texts in the way I create text sprites. Had anyone experienced something like this? Any ideas how to fix it? Code for the badly rendered sprite: this.dialogPhrase =, - 110, dialog.text, { font: '18px Russo One', fill: '#222222', wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 820 }); Code for the well rendered sprite: const nextMenuItem =, nextY, item.text, { font: '16px Russo One', fill: '#222222', wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 280 });
We moved our game from Phaser 2.6.2 "Kore Springs" to 2.10.3 and encountered this error in Firefox and Internet Explorer: IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount The exception is trown from PIXI.Sprite.prototype._renderCanvas: renderSession.context.drawImage(this.texture.baseTexture.source, cx, cy, cw, ch, dx, dy, cw / resolution, ch / resolution); The arguments are: cx : 803 cy : 899.37 cw : 168 ch : 0 dx : -0 dy : -0.6299999999999955 resolution : 1 Everything was fine in "Kore Springs" but we wanted to take advantage of all the fixes and updates on tilemaps in CE.
hi everybody, I'm developing a browser game with pixijs, I have finished 90%. My problem is: as I distribute the game in the Apple Store or google play market. In this forum, I read that you use cocoonjs, but I don't want use it, because I have to change many things in the project (for example: canvas render, google font, etc...) My game runs fine in chrome and firefox browsers (mobile and desktop) at 60 FPS. I tried to compile the project with apache cordova (PhoneGap), but it run at 12 FPS. This my question on stackoverflow: I can not compile project with another embedded webview in phonegap, because it is very difficult, there is no documentation and is still unstable!! chrmome webview for phonegap: Firefox webview for phonegap: Any idea? Please give me some advice...sorry form my english. Marco.
- 22 replies
Hi everyone, Video (mp4 or webm) doesn't play on firefox android -> "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE" I use Phaser CE v2.10.0 and CANVAS , I unlock the videos before. does not work on examples either : Thank you in advance !
I'm glad I discovered babylonjs. I'm testing on different browsers and I have a color rendering problem with the stable version and FireFox only. Normally we should see a red sphere and a green sphere. ■ SandBox : ■ Demonstration Video : Thank you for your help and bravo for this framework.
Hey guys, I was trying to finally update to the newest stable version but it makes my spheres glow (wrongly emissive from a distance and also from the dark side of the spheres. But, I'm pretty sure it's not due to lack of light). Anyhow, the bug only happens in Firefox 58.0.2 (that I know of) . But, the preview version and stable version both have it. I figure it's related to something you were already aware of... but just in case this is a new version of the bug... Mostly working old version of babylon.custom.js: Buggy version on stable 3.1: (you probably won't see the problem if you're not on Firefox) You guys are nothing but amazing, I have no complaints. Just trying to help/learn.
Hi everyone So I'm back in to looking at Baylon after having to concentrate on other areas of my project first. I'm at the stage now where I'm loading a .babylon file exported from Blender, I'm attaching camera controls to the active camera (configured in blender to be Arc), and I'm using Pep instead of Hand for the interactions because Hand hates me and I don't deserve nice things. Anyway here's the issue, with the camera controls attached as so: scene.activeCamera.attachControl( canvas, false ); everything works fine in Mac safari 11.0.3 and Chrome 63.0.3239.132, but when in Firefox 58.01 the page scrolls as well as the scene when using the mouse wheel to zoom. I've tried setting that false value to true, but all that did was stop scene scrolling everywhere. The canvas element has the attribute: touch-action="none" set in the html and the similar declaration in CSS. This wouldn't be such a problem if the entire scene was the whole page, but in my case the canvas is only part of the visible page. Can someone shed some light on this please? Cheers
Hi there, nice to meet you So I have the exact same issue as related in this topic : I understand the problem and the solution. But, I'm currently running my babylon app locally without any HTTP server such as Apache, it's just firefox looking on my computer files. So I'm a little confused : does BabylonJS need a local HTTP server such as WAMP or XAMPP ? Why is that since it's just JavaScript ?
Two different WebGL implementations (chrome on the left, firefox on the right) working side by side on Linux x64. Note the subtle difference in colors.
So, trying to get my simple project loaded in ffox this morning and ran into a whole bunch of console log errors. I presume its with the new ffox quantum update or with the new 3.1 beta preview. PG is showing some of the same errors, I haven't narrowed down to causes yet. Also seeing some rendering artifacts on my imported meshes. Should I be worried ? Or are these mostly teething issues ? BJS - [10:33:57]: Babylon.js engine (v3.1-beta-5) launched babylon.js:3:18630 Error: WebGL warning: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL creation failed: * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Error during ANGLE OpenGL init. * Exhausted GL driver caps. babylon.js:4:11836 BJS - [10:33:58]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Uniforms: world, view, viewProjection, vEyePosition, vLightsType, vAmbientColor, vDiffuseColor, vSpecularColor, vEmissiveColor, vFogInfos, vFogColor, pointSize, vDiffuseInfos, vAmbientInfos, vOpacityInfos, vReflectionInfos, vEmissiveInfos, vSpecularInfos, vBumpInfos, vLightmapInfos, vRefractionInfos, mBones, vClipPlane, diffuseMatrix, ambientMatrix, opacityMatrix, reflectionMatrix, emissiveMatrix, specularMatrix, bumpMatrix, lightmapMatrix, refractionMatrix, diffuseLeftColor, diffuseRightColor, opacityParts, reflectionLeftColor, reflectionRightColor, emissiveLeftColor, emissiveRightColor, refractionLeftColor, refractionRightColor, logarithmicDepthConstant, vTangentSpaceParams, vLightData0, vLightDiffuse0, vLightSpecular0, vLightDirection0, vLightGround0, lightMatrix0, shadowsInfo0, depthValues0, diffuseSampler, ambientSampler, opacitySampler, reflectionCubeSampler, reflection2DSampler, emissiveSampler, specularSampler, bumpSampler, lightmapSampler, refractionCubeSampler, refraction2DSampler, shadowSampler0 babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Attributes: position, normal, uv, color, matricesIndices, matricesWeights, matricesIndicesExtra, matricesWeightsExtra babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Vertex shader: default 1 #define MAINUV1 2 #define DIFFUSE 3 #define DIFFUSEDIRECTUV 1 4 #define AMBIENTDIRECTUV 0 5 #define OPACITYDIRECTUV 0 6 #define EMISSIVEDIRECTUV 0 7 #define SPECULARDIRECTUV 0 8 #define BUMPDIRECTUV 0 9 #define SPECULARTERM 10 #define NORMAL 11 #define UV1 12 #define VERTEXCOLOR 13 #define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 7 14 #define BonesPerMesh 46 15 #define LIGHTMAPDIRECTUV 0 16 #define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS 0 17 #define VIGNETTEBLENDMODEMULTIPLY 18 #define SAMPLER3DGREENDEPTH 19 #define SAMPLER3DBGRMAP 20 #define LIGHT0 21 #define HEMILIGHT0 22 23 #define SHADER_NAME vertex:default 24 precision highp float; 25 26 uniform mat4 viewProjection; 27 uniform mat4 view; 28 #ifdef DIFFUSE 29 uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix; 30 uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos; 31 #endif 32 #ifdef AMBIENT 33 uniform mat4 ambientMatrix; 34 uniform vec2 vAmbientInfos; 35 #endif 36 #ifdef OPACITY 37 uniform mat4 opacityMatrix; 38 uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos; 39 #endif 40 #ifdef EMISSIVE 4… babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Fragment shader: default 1 #define MAINUV1 2 #define DIFFUSE 3 #define DIFFUSEDIRECTUV 1 4 #define AMBIENTDIRECTUV 0 5 #define OPACITYDIRECTUV 0 6 #define EMISSIVEDIRECTUV 0 7 #define SPECULARDIRECTUV 0 8 #define BUMPDIRECTUV 0 9 #define SPECULARTERM 10 #define NORMAL 11 #define UV1 12 #define VERTEXCOLOR 13 #define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 7 14 #define BonesPerMesh 46 15 #define LIGHTMAPDIRECTUV 0 16 #define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS 0 17 #define VIGNETTEBLENDMODEMULTIPLY 18 #define SAMPLER3DGREENDEPTH 19 #define SAMPLER3DBGRMAP 20 #define LIGHT0 21 #define HEMILIGHT0 22 23 #define SHADER_NAME fragment:default 24 precision highp float; 25 uniform vec4 vDiffuseColor; 26 #ifdef SPECULARTERM 27 uniform vec4 vSpecularColor; 28 #endif 29 uniform vec3 vEmissiveColor; 30 31 #ifdef DIFFUSE 32 uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos; 33 #endif 34 #ifdef AMBIENT 35 uniform vec2 vAmbientInfos; 36 #endif 37 #ifdef OPACITY 38 uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos; 39 #endif 40 #ifdef EMISSIVE 41 uniform vec2… babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Error: C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (vs_3_0) Retrying with avoid flow control C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with avoid flow control flags. (vs_3_0) Retrying with prefer flow control C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with prefer flow control flags. (vs_3_0) Failed to create D3D shaders. babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Trying next fallback. babylon.js:3:19000 BJS - [10:33:58]: Falling back to CPU skinning for Body babylon.js:3:18630 Error: WebGL warning: linkProgram: Failed to link, leaving the following log: C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (vs_3_0) Retrying with avoid flow control C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with avoid flow control flags. (vs_3_0) Retrying with prefer flow control C:\fakepath(89,30-147): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2-148): error X4505: maximum temp register index exceeded C:\fakepath(89,2 And yes, the last line of the errors is as attached...I presume some limit reached in the display...
- 1 reply
- babylonjs 3.1
- console
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Hello, I've got an issue stopping audio on Firefox. On Chrome ore Edge stopping the Sound works fine but Firefox won't stop the sound and if you start the Sound again it'll play twice. The main intention was to stop the sound when the state shuts down but it doesn't work when I bind the command to a key aswell. It's really annoying and I couldn't find a fix anywhere. I start the sound in the Create function with music ='background_music');; music.loopFull(0.3); music.volume = 0.3; and try to stop it in the Shutdown function with "music.stop();" You can also try it yourself HERE
Hi, I am working on a game where the hero runs through different levels and collects rewards, and have got it working really smoothly for Chrome on Mac, however when testing on FireFox on Mac or Windows it goes really laggy. At its most simple, the game uses a tilemap (70 x 15), which also handles the objects, the objects are split into various classes, and there are two background images (originally for parallax, but this has been disabled while we try and resolve the lagginess). The hero and a couple of other sprite objects have animations, but again these have been temporarily disabled, even with all of this there is still significant lag when running and jumping, its a reasonably large game so not really sure what code would be helpful without causing more confusion. I've tried several different approaches now, with no success. I have tried changing the 'renderer' for the game, the best result so far is CANVAS, not sure if it makes any difference but the physics library is P2, and I am only pre-loading the assets required for the current level. I have tried killing sprites, setting their visiblity to false, only dumping out a subset of objects, and none of it seems to affect anything. I have done some investigation, and the 'requestAnimationFrame' function seems to get called alot but the garbage cleaner not so much. I had a look at pixi.js and there is an issue from which looks to be similar but not the same. Has anyone else had this issue, know where I should investigate next? Many thanks, Áine
Hi, On Firefox the camera stops rotating when your pointer leaves the canvas: Which doesn't happen on Edge, IE, Chrome or Opera
PLEASE DELETE: I apologise to the PixiJS gang. It is not the frightenly fast Pixi that is causing the low fps, it is the sound. My sound works in Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, but not Firefox. It slows the whole system to a snail's pace in Firefox only. If anyone knows a good sound library which can play sound on keybutton press immediately with no delay or gaps, please let me know. I am working on a game which is nowhere near completion yet, so I cannot give you a running example, however, I can say what I am doing. I have 5 cropped sections over the screen, each showing a different representation of the scene. Eg the user's main view, a mini-map showing the user's relation to others, etc There are several text areas giving the user important info. About 50 bits of text which need to be aligned, due to them needing to be in columns. I only have about 30 images in each scene that are moving. In the wonderful chrome I am getting 60fps. In edge I am getting 45fps, but it has the known keyboard input issue which might put some users off using edge. However in Firefox I am getting a terrible 6fps. Has anyone experienced such a thing before? Is there something in Firefox that needs to be turned on or something? UPDATE: I have literally removed most things except the very base animation (24 small 25x25 pixel sprites and 2 large 2000x2000 background sprites) and I am still only getting 10fps on firefox. There must be a firefox setting that is not right on my machine, or I am setting things up incorrectly somehow that firefox does not like.
BitmapFontTexture in firefox Error: WebGL: texImage2D
Koroldev posted a topic in Questions & Answers
Hello all, I am using BitmapFontTexture for creating text messages, in browser chrome and opera all works fine, but in firefox I got white screen and error message: I tried to finding something in internet but still don't solved this problem. Thank.- 11 replies
- webgl
- bitmapfonttextur
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I have different tiles, each in its own canvas. When I toggle the camera (simultaneous), the tile that our out of the viewport seem to go wrong. This only happens in Firefox. One odd thing that I am doing in my code - and this is part due to the bug - is I am having my my rendering stopped all the time, but whenever a ui action is done (ao the camera toggling) I do a runRenderLoop() (I do this for processor saving, since my frames don't update all the time);
Hi It looks like playground stopped working in newest babylon 2.6. Firefox 51.0.1 x64 Xubuntu 16.04, Nvidia NVS 3100m, proprietary official nvidia driver v340.101 But works fine in chromium 55.0.2883.87 In every scene i opened, even very simple it shows in console something like this: (for example this one: ) BJS - [08:04:01]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Defines: #define SPECULARTERM #define NORMAL #define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0 #define BonesPerMesh 0 #define LIGHT0 #define HEMILIGHT0 babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Error: 0(4) : error C0203: extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 not supported in profile gp4_1vp babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Vertex shader:default babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Fragment shader:default babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Trying next fallback. babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Defines: #define NORMAL #define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0 #define BonesPerMesh 0 #define LIGHT0 #define HEMILIGHT0 babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Error: 0(4) : error C0203: extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 not supported in profile gp4_1vp babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Vertex shader:default babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Fragment shader:default babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Unable to compile effect: babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Defines: babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Error: 0(4) : error C0203: extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 not supported in profile gp4_1vp babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Vertex shader:color babylon.js:3:21936 BJS - [08:04:01]: Fragment shader:color babylon.js:3:21936
Hello, I switched the physics engine from cannon back to Oimo, and suddenly the scene won't load in Chrome - but loads fine in Firefox. The only changes in code are what @adam added to cause the Oimo extension to behave as expected - with the exception of adding friction to the sphere imposters. I can't even get to the console to see what might be happening. So if anyone has a debugger which might work, and has the time to look at the scene, any info as to why the scene won't load would be invaluable. I must use Chrome to test now as I have to deliver the scene to run in Chromium. Also, scene.getPhysicsEngine().setTimeStep(); no longer has any effect on the physics engine using Oimo. And this is essential to the client's requirements, as the motion is still too rapid regardles of any setting for this function. I don't want to switch back to cannon, so I hope someone can provide answers - as no debugging tools I have provide any feedback - wierd. Also, If you load the scene, it now takes at least 20 seconds to load, whereas using cannon.js on tokk approx. 2 seconds to load the scene and begin the simulation. Any feedback on this issue is highly appricited. Cheers, DB