Hello to all and Merry chritmas: I have a project and I want use Babylonjs. I have include two lines <script src="librerias/babylon2/babylon.2.2.max.js"></script> <script src="librerias/babylon2/Materiales/babylon.simpleMaterial.js"></script> If I comment the second line (load simpleMaterial.js) all are ok, but no simple material are defined, obviusly. But if I try to load any file material, (fire, water, simple, etc) I recieve one error, and c'ant continue 0x800a138f - Error in execution time JavaScript: C'ant obtain the property "prototype" is null o not defined. in line 4, position 1 of babylon.2.2.max.js file. Sorry by my english, i am spanish developer. What I do bad ? Thanks for all.