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  1. Hello, I want to spawn an enemy on different location every second on my screen. is there such thing like this? Im using emitter to spawn random images on my screen but it generate only in one place. how can i generate image in different place every second?
  2. Hi everyone, so i have a question about how i can make my particles emitter to move from point to point and is it possible to do this. I have an exact example of what i need. Can someone give me a simple code example ? Thanks.
  3. Hi all, was just having a play with an effect for an explosion, and thought it would be cool to trial out some fireball style effects with some sort of simulated gravity. eg. 4 or 5 fireballs, with smoke trails behind.. Had a play but noticed that pixi particles doesn't really offer anything in terms of subemitters, unless I've missed it? So really been trying to find a workaround. I'm not so hot when it comes to the maths of any gravity, so have used gsaps 2dphysics plugin to get it working https://greensock.com/docs/Plugins/Physics2DPlugin... so each fireball itself is a sprite in a container, then onupdate with that animation, the x&y position of the fireball is sent to update the ownerposition of the trail emitter. It does work pretty well appearance wise, but performance does feel like it takes a bit of a hit, which Im guessing maybe down to the plugin. Any ideas on any more "optimal" ways in which something like this could be achieved?
  4. Hello! I'm trying to do simple explosion with emitter. I want particles to slowly fade out so I do: emitter.setAlpha(0.2, 1, 10, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, false); emitter.autoAlpha = true; But when i run game and emitter start doing it's job it throws at the console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'v' of undefined at Phaser.Particle.update (phaser_phaser_1.js:99052) at Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.update (phaser_phaser_1.js:99548) at Phaser.World.Phaser.Group.update (phaser_phaser_1.js:33716) at Phaser.Stage.update (phaser_phaser_1.js:31820) at Phaser.Game.updateLogic (phaser_phaser_1.js:36338) at Phaser.Game.update (phaser_phaser_1.js:36280) at Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAF (phaser_phaser_1.js:61979) at _onLoop (phaser_phaser_1.js:61962) What am I doing wrong with this task? Edit: Solved - it seems like I set too low alpha rate parameter (third param. in setAlpha). I misunderstood how it works. Now I get it. If I set rate as 1500 ms particles will fade out in this time. It works now.
  5. Hi folks! Let me introduce you phaser particle editor. This tool helps you to create phaser particle effects visually. It is of course open source and you are welcome to contribute! Editor also has plugin to help you create particles based on JSON data generated by Editor.
  6. Hi, Is there any method to reset an emitter properly to be reused ? because i reuse a set of emitters but sometimes when i reuse a previously used emitter it show quickly his last state (repartition of particules in their last coordinates) and then restart his animation, so i wonder if is it a bug or a bad use. EDIT : It's a bad. Code used to instanciate the emitters in the poolEmitter (extended Phaser.group) instance : em = game.add.emitter(10,16,30) // some emitter settings (minRotation, setXSpeed,makeParticles...) em.kill() this.add(em) Code used in the poolEmitter instance to get a free (dead) emitter : let obj = this.getFirstDead(false) obj.revive() obj.x = x obj.y = y return obj Code used for exploitation of the emitter : let em = poolEmitter.create(player.x ,player.y) em.explode(800,30) setTimeout(function(){ em.kill() em.on = false em.visible = false /* em.forEach(function(p) { // I try this to hide the particule manually to avoid to be showed in their last coord when reuse the emitter, but dont work p.alpha = 0 })*/ },900) Thanks
  7. Hi Guys, I'm having some issues with an emitter that I am trying to attach to a sprite using the addChild method. The emitter should be a child of the player's arm so that it moves and rotates correctly. When I add the emitter to the game without being added as a child it works fine. As soon as I add it as a child to the arm it disappears from the game world. I've played around with a bunch of different coordinates in case it was being moved slightly off screen but I've come to the conclusion that something is going wrong here. I've also run tests in a new state with just a single sprite and an emitter and as soon as I add the emitter asChild of the sprite it is gone. I'm probably missing the thing that is going wrong here, so any help would be appreciated. I'll put my code snippet below if that helps at all create: function() { this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000"; this.playerContainer = this.game.add.sprite(300, 600, null); this.player = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'player'); this.player.scale.setTo(0.75); this.backArm = this.game.add.sprite(-10, -180, 'backArm'); this.backArm.scale.setTo(0.75); this.frontArm = this.game.add.sprite(-10, -180, 'frontArm'); this.frontArm.scale.setTo(0.75); this.emitter = this.game.add.emitter(0, 0, 5000); this.emitter.makeParticles('whiteParticle'); this.emitter.minParticleSpeed.setTo(200, 0); this.emitter.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(2000, 0); this.emitter.gravity = 200; this.emitter.lifespan = 0; this.playerContainer.addChild(this.backArm); this.playerContainer.addChild(this.player); this.playerContainer.addChild(this.frontArm); this.frontArm.addChild(this.emitter); this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this.playerContainer); this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this.player); this.playerContainer.body.collideWorldBounds = true; this.player.anchor.setTo(0.5); this.frontArm.anchor.setTo(0.4866, 0.2925); this.backArm.anchor.setTo(0.4866, 0.2925); },
  8. ANSWERED Hi, By updating the phaser 2.x version I stumbled upon >all particles are broken<. this is the extended Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter class: as line7>> "this.start(false <- should revive a particle at the emitters position after "lifetime". it just doesn't do anything. All particles are done once, and they do not repeat themselves anymore. Was there a breaking change I did not get? note: The v2.7.x gravity change is not the case here constructor (config: any, amount: number = 10) { super (config.game, config.x, config.y, amount); config.level.layers.effects.add(this); this.setYSpeed(-20, -200); this.setXSpeed(-5, 5); this.makeParticles('assets', 52); this.start(false, 100, 150, amount); //this should revive particles after lifespan(2), but doesn't console.log(this.children); } Any thoughts? regards
  9. Hi, I'm having some trouble with my emitter that is used as spray particles for a fire extinguisher. I've set the emitX and emitY to position relative to the player's front arm and set the emitter.rotation = frontArm.rotation. The problem I'm having is that when the arm rotates the particle's emit location is moved. I've attached some screenshots and code to show what I mean. I'm sure it is something simple that I'm missing but I've searched on the forums for quite a while and can't seem to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated. FireSim.test = { create: function() { this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#d36a6a"; this.waterSpray = this.game.add.emitter(0, 0);// (x, y, max particles) this.waterSpray.makeParticles('whiteParticle', '', 5000, true, false); this.waterSpray.maxParticleScale = 5; this.waterSpray.minParticleScale = 1; this.waterSpray.flow(1000, 100, 50, -1, false); this.waterSpray.minParticleSpeed.setTo(400); this.waterSpray.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(800); this.waterSpray.setYSpeed(-30, 30); this.waterSpray.gravity = 0; this.frontArm = this.game.add.sprite(150, 100, 'frontArm5'); }, update: function() { if(this.game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(this.frontArm.world) < 1) //only move the arms towards the mouse angle if it is less than 1. This prevents erratic movement when the mouse pointer is positioned behind the player { this.frontArm.rotation = this.game.physics.arcade.angleToPointer(this.frontArm.world); } this.waterSpray.emitX = this.frontArm.world.x + 270; this.waterSpray.emitY = this.frontArm.world.y + 160; this.waterSpray.rotation = this.frontArm.rotation; if (this.game.input.activePointer.isDown) { this.waterSpray.on = true; } else { this.waterSpray.on = false; } }, };
  10. Could not find destroy function in the particle Emitter and is there best way to remove from scene?
  11. Should it be possible to create emitters in a loop and then add them to a group? I'm trying to use particle emitters as explosions and I might need to fire off multiple at a time. I figured I would use basically the same strategy used with bullets. Maybe there is a better strategy? this.explosions = this.add.group(); let particles; let emitter; for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { particles = this.add.particles('spark'); emitter = particles.createEmitter(); emitter.setSpeed(200); emitter.setBlendMode(Phaser.BlendModes.ADD); emitter.on = false; this.explosions.add(emitter); //this line causes an error. }
  12. On the webpage it talks about attaching an emitter to a sprite so that you can create a "jet". Is this done via groups? I've setup a player sprite and all my controls currently work on that. If creating a group is the answer, should a refactor be as simple as changing <sprite>.body to <group>.body? Thanks.
  13. Hi guys! I'm trying to get an emitter to explode with particles when player collides with an ammo crate in my game, and it does work, but only the first time. I put the emitter into my game like this: ammoEmiter = game.add.emitter(200, 200, 40); ammoEmiter.makeParticles('ammoParticle'); ammoEmiter.lifespan = 500; ammoEmiter.minParticleSpeed = new Phaser.Point(-400, -400); And then I explode it using: ammoEmiter.explode(); Any ideas what the problem could be? PS. I'm really loving Phaser, and this forum, too! I just started with making games and I've found answers to so many Phaser questions here, awesome! Cheers!
  14. Hi guys, just a quick question. I'm trying to detect overlap between emitter particles and a group like so: create: function() { this.emitter = this.game.add.emitter(0, 0, 1000); this.emitter.enableBody = true; this.emitter.makeParticles('whiteParticle'); this.emitter.minParticleSpeed.setTo(100); this.emitter.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(800); this.emitter.gravity = 50; this.emitter.maxParticleScale = 3; this.emitter.minParticleScale = 0.1; this.emitter.setYSpeed(-150, 150); this.emitter.flow(1500, 100, 100, -1, false); //lifespan, frequency, quantity, total, immediate this.emitter.checkWorldBounds = true; this.emitter.outOfBoundsKill = true; this.fire = this.game.add.group(); this.fire.enableBody = true; this.fire3 = this.game.add.sprite(1423, 500, 'fireL3'); this.fire2 = this.game.add.sprite(1423, 500, 'fireL2'); this.fire1 = this.game.add.sprite(1423, 500, 'fireL1'); this.fire.add(this.fire3); this.fire.add(this.fire2); this.fire.add(this.fire1); }, update: function(){ this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.emitter, this.fire, this.damageFire, null, this); } damageFire: function(){ console.log('fire damaged!'); }, I can get this to work fine if I check for overlap between 2 sprites/groups, but I cannot get it to work for the emitter. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  15. Hi, I am new on Phaser framework actually, but i am trying to find out. I have an easy test game, where emitter moving from left to right, and drop particle, which is candy with 3 different state. So i have to click on particle, and it has to change animation frame. When i click 3 time, particle have to disapear. Here is my game code, but actually, i cannot make click event working. It looks like something wrong with my code, but i don't know where <script> function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } var game = new Phaser.Game('100%', '100%', Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); var emitter; function preload() { game.load.spritesheet('waffle', 'waffle_sprite.png', 150, 150, 3); } function create() { // game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); emitter = game.add.emitter(game, 100, 100, 20); emitter.inputEnableChildren = true; emitter.onChildInputDown.add(onDown, this); emitter.gravity = 0; emitter.minRotation = -100; emitter.maxRotation = 100; emitter.setYSpeed(150, 300); emitter.setXSpeed(50, 50); emitter.makeParticles('waffle', 0); setInterval(function(){ emitter.x=getRandomInt((game.width * 0.1), (game.width - game.width * 0.1)); emitter.start(true, 5000, null, 1); }, 1000) } function update() { } function onDown (sprite) { console.log(sprite); } </script> Can you please help me fix click event on every child? Thank you! I will continue my developing after fix this issue.
  16. Hey all. I want to apply color tweening to particles, but i don't know how, can anybody help me in this? thanks in advance
  17. i'm trying to change collision option after emitter had started but i can't create () { // --------------------------------CONFIG-------------------------------- this.config = { 'followCursor': false, 'mouseClick': false, 'gravityX': 0, 'gravityY': 0, 'positionX': 960, 'positionY': 540, 'maxParticles': 50, 'particleKey': 'particle', 'frames': 1, 'quantity': 5000, 'collide': false, 'collideWorldBounds': false, 'scaleToX': 1, 'scaleToY': 1, 'scaleRate': 0, 'scaleEase': Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, 'scaleYoyo': false, 'alphaMin': 1, 'alphaMax': 0, 'alphaRate': 0, 'alphaEase': Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, 'alphaYoyo': false, 'rotationMin': 0, 'rotationMax': 0, 'bounceX': 0, 'bounceY': 0, 'angularDrag': 0, 'particleMinSpeedX': -300, 'particleMinSpeedY': -300, 'particleMaxSpeedX': 300, 'particleMaxSpeedY': 300, 'emitterSpeedX': 200, 'emitterSpeedY': -200, 'lifespan': 500, 'particleFrequency': 250, 'particleQuantity': 500 } // --------------------------------EMITTER-------------------------------- this.emitter = this.game.add.emitter(this.config.positionX, this.config.positionY, this.config.maxParticles) this.makeParticles() this.emitter.minParticleSpeed.setTo(this.config.particleMinSpeedX, this.config.particleMinSpeedY) this.emitter.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(this.config.particleMaxSpeedX, this.config.particleMaxSpeedY) this.emitter.gravity.x = this.config.gravityX this.emitter.gravity.y = this.config.gravityY this.emitter.setScale(this.config.scaleFromX, this.config.scaleToX, this.config.scaleFromY, this.config.scaleToY, this.config.scaleRate, this.config.scaleEase, this.config.scaleYoyo) this.emitter.setAlpha(this.config.alphaMin, this.config.alphaMax, this.config.alphaRate, this.config.alphaEase, this.config.alphaYoyo) this.emitter.angularDrag = this.config.angularDrag this.emitter.setRotation(this.config.rotationMin, this.config.rotationMax) this.emitter.bounce.setTo(this.config.bounceX, this.config.bounceY) this.emitter.setXSpeed(this.config.emitterSpeedX) this.emitter.setYSpeed(this.config.emitterSpeedY) this.startEmitter() // here I want to change both collision options from false to true, and to make it work with new collision options } startEmitter () { this.emitter.start(false, this.config.lifespan, this.config.particleFrequency, this.config.particleQuantity, false) } makeParticles () { this.game.add.emitter(this.config.positionX, this.config.positionY, this.config.maxParticles) this.emitter.makeParticles(this.config.particleKey, this.config.frames, this.config.quantity, this.config.collide, this.config.collideWorldBounds) } Can anybody help me in this?
  18. I'm trying to create a dash fade effect behind the player when it's executing the dodge ability. I'm doing this with a particle emitter (dashEm). It's all good except from one thing the particle sprites on the trail aren't going in the player direction, they don't scale in X axis. How it should be in both directions: The actual problem, when player goes to left: The Player scaleX changes whenever the player presses left or right key. measures.last.dir = (pressedKeys.right)?1:-1 player.scale.setTo(measures.last.dir*2.5, 2.5) The emitter min and max scale are set to 2.5 same as player. dashEm = game.add.emitter(0, 0, 200); dashEm.makeParticles('particleDash'); dashEm.minParticleScale = 2.4; dashEm.maxParticleScale = 2.6; dashEm.lifespan = 400; dashEm.minRotation = 0; dashEm.maxRotation = 0; dashEm.minParticleSpeed.setTo(0, 0); dashEm.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(0, 0); dashEm.gravity = -1400; // fix global gravity The update. If the dodge happens I update the emitter position, set the trail direction(particles speed), and release them. dashEm.x = player.x; dashEm.y = player.y; dashEm.minParticleSpeed.setTo(-100*measures.last.dir, 0); dashEm.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(-1000*measures.last.dir, 0); dashEm.emitParticle(); What I've tried in update I've tried to attach the emitter as a child of player. But when the player changes its direction (scaleX) emitter also change and trail suddenly change too (logical it's his child). I've tried to change directly emitter scale. It works fine for right direction but when facing left the emitter and trail just disappear. dashEm.scale = new Phaser.Point(1*measures.last.dir, 1) I've tried to use setScale emitter method. But all it does is reduce the scale of the particles to 1. Not even put them in the right direction, no matter what values I enter. sx = 2.5 *measures.last.dir sy = 2.5 dashEm.setScale(sx, sx, sy, sy) I've tried modifying every property in the emitter that has something to do with the word scale and nothing works. I'cant use the default minParticleScale & maxParticleScale because this properties modify the both axis X & Y. I just need to change X axis, otherwise the trail would be upside down. Last thing! Reading the docs I've found in minParticleScale the sentence "If you need to control each axis see minParticleScaleX" but there's no such property nor function!. Hope I posted it well. Thanks for the help guys!
  19. Hi, everyone. I've not been able to find any similar issues to mine, so I'm posting a new topic asking for help. I'm using Phaser 2.6.2 to develop a multiplayer web game. I want a particle emitter to start at the location of the player when a button is pressed, in an explosion. In create(), I have the following code: this.emitter = game.add.emitter(0, 0, 8); this.emitter.makeParticles('seeds'); this.emitter.gravity = 500; I ask the emitter to start later in a custom function called dump(), passing in the player's coordinates. Dump() is called by a function when the variable appleEaten is true and the player is on the right part of the screen. dump: function (x, y) { appleEaten = false; this.emitter.x = x; this.emitter.y = y; console.log(this.emitter.maxParticles); this.emitter.start(true, 1000, null, 8, 8); console.log(this.emitter.x + ", " + this.emitter.y + " is the emitter."); console.log(this.emitter.on); // this is returning false? The program correctly knows how many particles it should spew (8). The emitter is at the correct coordinates based on another console log. However, this.emitter.on console log always returns false. I have the same console log line running in update, and of course it's false every time there, too. Basically, the emitter just doesn't turn on, and I don't know why. I am not getting any errors in the console, either. Has anyone run into this, and/or does anyone have a suggestion on how to approach this? Thank you! EDIT: I load 'seeds' in another state, as with all of my images. When I try to add 'seeds' as an image in create, nothing shows up, and again, no error. I imagine these are separate issues, but I could be wrong.
  20. Question about using emitters in Phaser and what is the best practice for perfomance and memory use. Let's say a typical game where the player collects coins and occasionally there is a bomb. Whenever the player collects a coin there appear a few (like 3 or 4) particles, when a bomb explodes there are different type particles and when the player dies a few star particles appear. A typical game probably has more, but just as an example here it's three different particle effects. What would be the best way to handle this in Phaser? 1. create three emitters at start of game, reuse same three throughout game 2. create one emitters for coin particles and reuse throughout game, and create new bomb/stars emitters as needed 3. create new emitters for each instance that particles are needed About that 3rd option, I figure that will take a toll on memory usage because emitters don't auto-destroy once they are finished. So would you need to destroy them manually, and if so how? Or is creating many emitters just not a good idea at all? I'd love to hear any ideas or best practices on this.
  21. Hi guys, Is there any way you can change the position of an emitter created with Particle Storm from (x,y) to (x1, y1) and then to (x2, y2)? Any ideas? --- Or how to destroy an emitter?
  22. Hi all, I want to modify a bit the emitter, for example this: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/particles/snow but for example if we want to set positions of particles at the creating of stage, no want to wait while the snow will fill the screen: back_emitter.forEach(function(particle) { particle.x = game.rnd.integerInRange(0, game.WIDTH); particle.y = game.rnd.integerInRange(0, game.HEIGHT); particle.body.velocity.y = game.rnd.integerInRange(140, 240); }); But looks like that velocity don't work. What's wrong with code?
  23. Hey Community, I just updated from 2.5.0 to 2.7.8 and now my emitters don't explode anymore. They produce there particles and them which live for there desired lifespan but don't move anymore. var em = game.add.emitter(0, 0, 10); em.makeParticles('SBCollectibles', ['StarOrangeParticle.png', 'StarPinkParticle.png', 'StarYellowParticle.png']); em.setXSpeed(-300, 300); em.setYSpeed(-300, 300); em.gravity = 500; em.start(true, 500, null, 10); I rolled back to 2.5.0 and work as expected
  24. Hi eveyone, Just realised how powerful Phaser's particle system really is. I've set up an emitter to create a continuous 'snow' effect for my game's main menu background. I was wondering though if it was possible to make the particles 'fast forward' a couple of seconds when I load the game. What I mean is, how can I make it so that when the user switches to the main menu state, the particles are already all over the place as if the emitter had been running for a couple of seconds. Instead of the state starting off like this: How can I make it start like this, with the particles already everywhere: Thanks for your help!
  25. Hello, I have been using phaser 2.6.2 and this emitter worked fine: var emitter = this.game.add.emitter(hitMeteor.body.x+hitMeteor.body.width/2, hitMeteor.body.y+hitMeteor.body.height/2, 6); emitter.makeParticles('meteorPiece'); emitter.minParticleSpeed.setTo(hitMeteor.body.width/2,-hitMeteor.body.height/2); emitter.maxParticleSpeed.setTo(70,hitMeteor.body.height/2); emitter.gravity = 0; emitter.start(true,1000,null,100); Today I have copied a new version (phaser 2.7.3) and the particles just stay in place rotating like their speed was equal to 0. In the docs I did not find any of those functions deleted so I am not sure what is wrong here. Thanks for all the help! *** OK. Deleting emitter.gravity = 0; helped.
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