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Found 10 results

  1. Hello everyone. These days I found myself starting my new project with Phaser and I was looking for a template that included both Typescript and Electron, but around the net there was nothing that fully satisfied me. So I thought of creating a starter that would allow me to have both the ability to build the project on the web browser and in desktop app format with Electron. And so, today, I present my starter template: https://github.com/waliente/phaser-typescript-electron I hope it will be useful to you too
  2. Hello all - I have started working on my first browser-based game and I got the Phaser framework set up with Angular and Electron for this, as I'm super comfortable with Angular and enjoy playing with typescript. I started to build it and realized that getting these frameworks to play well together can be a pain for a lot of people, so I stripped back the content and posted the template in a repo on GitHub. I just thought I'd share and get the word out, and I've had decent traffic from subreddits. I'm hopeful if it gets enough use and some forks, that the implementation might be worked and improved upon. Let me know what you think, or if you have any questions about it: https://github.com/TBosak/game-template
  3. Hi, I have encounted something strange and I don't know how to fix it. I have git cloned the examples page onto a local webserver and the plugin projection, 3D Camera spine layers works fine. But when I try to reproduce it into my electron app, the layers start acting like this. How can I fix this? I've tried everything, why does it work on the examples html page but not on my html page. thanks!
  4. Hey yall - my friend and I have been working on GORILLA TOWN for about 4 years off and on as time permits. It started as a way to teach my friend how to code but also make it fun - so we aimed at making a clone of the old Qbasic Gorillas game for MS-DOS. Little by little it warped over time into an action oriented artillery game where you have to battle robots and escape said town. You blow up blimps and use power ups through 22 levels. The art, story, music, and voice overs, and UI was inspired by the jazz age and 1920s-30s Art Deco movement, but with a dash of weird humor. There is also a local multiplayer turn-based mode where you can play 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 - similar in fashion to the original Qbasic game. We have a fancy marketing site with more screenshots and features of the game that uses the same tone of voice and writing style we use in the game http://gorilla.town And of course a trailer and a Steam page! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1217560/GORILLA_TOWN/ Background I was responsible for most of the graphics, animation, UI design. We have a custom animation library, particle system, and time scaling game loop - we ended up basically with a small engine with Paper.js and PIXI.js for graphics, with howler.js for audio. We originally started with just using Paper.js, which has an AWESOME api, but keeping the game as vector based over canvas was just too slow - so we switched over to using PIXI.js and little by little migrated many of the techniques and graphics that were procedurally generated in Paper.js to sprites. Later on we used PIXI's Spine runtime plugin to so we could create our game characters. We ran into to many challenges along the way since I was so unfamiliar with the necessities of game development, I build web apps for my day job in both JS, C#, and SQL server, and very little of the usual patterns used there make sense for attempting a real-time interactive application. Object pooling, optimizing collision detection, full keyboard based navigation, etc, etc. A series of problem after problem, that could have probably been solved by not practically starting from scratch. While I learned a lot about the necessary components and the inner works of what a game engine needs - I don't think I have the time or patience to try and tackle it again, and will probably use a full fledged game framework or engine like Godot or Unity, where I can focus on the act of creating a game, and not the performance challenges with trying to make something 60fps in JS. My friend went from no programming experience at the start to tackling complex bugs and implementing many first version features as well as gamepad support. He's also responsible for a lot of the great ideas for the game, that at one point seemed impossible for us to implement. Not to mention, the original soundtrack, sound effects, and voice overs are all his doing. I highly recommend, if you are attempting to go it alone on a game, to try and rope a friend in to the process - having someone to be accountable to and generate ideas with made the difference between quitting years ago, and pushing each other to build a polished game we think we could put up on Steam. So, the game is a smattering of different graphics and audio libraries with custom written glue to turn it in to a game. We started with require.js using the revealing module pattern and migrated to ES6 and transpiled with babel. Then, in the last few months, since chrome/electron support nearly all of ES6 features, use babel only for transpiling to AMD modules so we can use require.js. So, we started with a lot of JS tools that were popular 4-5 years go but have fallen to the wayside. The web dev world these days would be using TypeScript and webpack, but we didn't see the return on investment for overhauling everything we'd already built. We did most of our day to day development inside of Chrome, but the end-goal is to release as a packaged desktop application. We started with NW.js when that was the more popular and easy to start with option, but have since migrated to Electron and all the amazing build tools created by the open source community that make it a snap to create installers for different platforms. We are planning to release on Windows first, then MacOS, and then some flavors of linux down the road. The PIXI.js forum helped us tackle some problems we couldn't solve out of the box. A very special shout-out to Ivan P who lurks on the PIXI.js forum for constantly answering our question almost as soon as we post them ? Request for Feedback So, we are in beta now, and trying our best to reach people who are willing to play our game and give us some honest feedback. We have an open beta program were we are requesting feedback, and in turn, we will give those who participate a free copy on Steam upon release this April. We've had a lot of downloads, but very, very little in way of that turning in to feedback. I'm hoping a few of your here can try the game out for at least of few minutes and give us your general impression. We wan' to make our little game the best we can. You can download it for windows from: http://gorilla.town/beta.html And, for the curious, he's requirements: OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 64 bit PROCESSOR Intel Core i5 2.0Ghz MEMORY 2 GB RAM GPU Dedicated GPU with 1Gb VRAM or better: AMD Radeon R9 / Nvidia GeForce 650 *sorry, integrated Intel graphics chips just won't do* STORAGE 430MB available space Thanks for reading this lengthy post and we're eager to hear any feedback! - Sean
  5. Hello Everyone, I want to share with you my latest pet project, it is a tool to extract images from a spritesheet, it's called SpriteSplitter, all informations are in the github : https://github.com/bmarwane/spriteSplitter . I don't know if i can put links to binaries on the forum but you will find in the repo page some pre compiled ones plus instructions on how to run the project yourself. Instructions : Open the App and load a sprite Make sure that the top left pixel on your image represent an empty area, for example if the space between the frames in a sprite sheet is transparent, the top left sprite neet to be transparent, i will make this configurable some day, but feel free to fork the project and do it if you want. Select frames Save on Disk Here is a screen capture of the app, the selected frames are overlayed with an ugly red ( will definitely change the color ) I created this tool mainly as a learning experience, and also because the only tool that i know that do this is on windows ( see ASU ). SpriteSplitter was created using ElectronJS, so the app is multi plateform, but i tested it only on mac and Linux, can any of you guys confirm to me that it's working on windows ? That's all folk, what do you think ? Thank you.
  6. Hi, I ported my game from Flash/AIR to HTML5. It's SparkChess, a chess game with single-player and multiplayer capabilities. The game is written in Typescript. I chose it because it was more similar to Actionscript and because I wanted to keep my sanity (for large projects Javascript is a pain). The AI engine is written by me, it's fast and strong enough for most players. It uses web workers. The multiplayer part uses websockets, with Union Platform (wonderful Java multiplayer server with Javascript client, too bad it doesn't seem to be actively developed). There's a free version online and we also have a Premium version with extra features, such as the rotatable 3D board that uses Three.js. I also created desktop versions for Win & Mac using Electron (previously NWjs but Electron seems to have more & better tools) and also for mobile using Cordova.
  7. Hi Everybody! I want to present you my Particle Editor I created in Electron using Phaser and the Particlestorm Plugin. On a Project I'm currently working, I want to have some Particle Effects for my Level Design, but tweaking the Emitter Settings in the Editor, starting/reloading the Page to see the result, felt really cumbersome. So I decided to brush up my Electron Skills (which I also need on the Project ;)) and create my own Tools. The Particle Editor is the first Tool I will share with you, but a Physics Editor will follow (Collision Shapes with Box2D and such). Enter the Particle Editor: http://didgin.com/#/downloads Download from my Webpage Currently available for Mac and Windows. (If you need help, please ask) Please remember! The Software is Version is 0.8.2a, so many Features are planned. So please tell me what you think, what you miss and what Ideas you might have for it's development. I'm always interested to see what you create with my Stuff, so feel free to share Hope you like it! Hafgandil
  8. I've been building little browser game, but for the sake of learning new stuff I've tried to make my game run in desktop using Electron. The game loads up well, doesn't show any errors but the whole canvas is white, BUT if I use variable forceCanvas = true, it works! So there has to be some kind of issue with the WebGL. Does the WebGL or pixi even work in electron or does my computer have some kind of weird issue with graphics? (Debian with AMD so it is possible... :D)
  9. Hello, I am a stuck with a problem on putting the game in fullscreen on the Windows Surface pro 4 (I think the problem is on previous Surface too). Actually, I have a button that calls startFullScreen. Touching it on the Surface tablet does not go to fullscreen mode. But when I click that button with the stylus or the mouse pad of the Surface tablet keyboard, it works. When I the game on my Android phone, touching the button fullscreen works. I suspect the user agent to tell bad info, but I'm not sure. On both Surface and Desktop Chrome browsers, I have the same info doing navigator.userAgent like the tablet is a desktop... Is anyone got the same problem ? If yes, how can we solve this issue? Thanks for your help !
  10. Hey guys, just started playing around with phaser a few days ago. One of the thigns i would like to try out is using electron to wrap my phaser game, but i cant seem to get assets working Can anyone point me in the right direction o have an example? Thanks in advance!
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