I want to destroy a function, what is the best way to do that? example : FavoriteFlavor.bootState = { button: function(btnX, btnY, textX, textY, fn, text) { var button = game.add.button(game.world.centerX + btnX, game.world.centerY + btnY, 'btnLetGo', fn, this); button.anchor.set(0.5); button.input.useHandCursor = true; var letGo = game.add.text(game.world.centerX + textX, game.world.centerY + textY, text); letGo.font = 'Arial'; letGo.fill = '#ffffff'; letGo.fontSize = '13px'; letGo.align = 'center'; letGo.fontWeight = 'bold'; letGo.anchor.set(0.5); }};FavoriteFlavor.gameState.prototype = { create: function() { button = FavoriteFlavor.bootState.button(0, 130, 0, 130, this.start, "Start"); }, start: function() { //click start function destory FavoriteFlavor.bootState.button //how to do that? }};