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I have been trying to figure out a way to animate the focus distance of the depth of field post process but have come up empty handed. I have setup a click event that runs a set of animations changing the (arc) camera's alpha, beta, radius, position, and target. I would like to animate the dof_focus_distance to match that of the camera radius so that the selected object keeps focus. my click event: scene.onPointerDown = function(e, pickResult) { if (pickResult.hit ) { ArcAnimation(0, camera.upperBetaLimit, camera.lowerRadiusLimit, pickResult.pickedMesh.position, pickResult.pickedMesh, true); currentobj = pickResult.pickedMesh; } }; I set up the depth of field with the following: (this came for the docs at var params = { edge_blur: 1, chromatic_aberration: 0, distortion: 0, dof_focus_distance: 4000, dof_aperture: 200, grain_amount: 0 }; var lensEffect = new BABYLON.LensRenderingPipeline('lensEffects', params, scene, 1.0, camera); My animation function: var ArcAnimation = function (toAlpha, toBeta, toRadius, toPosition, obj, arc) { var keysAlpha = [], keysBeta = [], keysRadius = [], keysPosition = []; var easingFunction = new BABYLON.CubicEase(); easingFunction.setEasingMode(BABYLON.EasingFunction.EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT); var animCamAlpha = new BABYLON.Animation("animCam", "alpha", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT ); keysAlpha.push({frame: 0, value: camera.alpha}); keysAlpha.push({frame: 300, value: toAlpha}); var animCamBeta = new BABYLON.Animation("animCam", "beta", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT ); keysBeta.push({frame: 0, value: camera.beta}); if (arc) { keysBeta.push({frame: 150, value: toBeta*0.2}); } keysBeta.push({frame: 300, value: toBeta}); var animCamRadius = new BABYLON.Animation("animCam", "radius", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT ); keysRadius.push({frame: 0, value: camera.radius }); keysRadius.push({frame: 300, value: toRadius }); var animCamPosition = new BABYLON.Animation("animCam", "target", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3 , BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT ); keysPosition.push({frame: 0, value: }); if (arc) { keysPosition.push({frame: 150, value: obj.position.add( new BABYLON.Vector3(0,obj.position.y + obj.position.y*0.5 ,0) )}); } keysPosition.push({frame: 300, value: obj.position }); animCamAlpha.setKeys(keysAlpha); animCamBeta.setKeys(keysBeta); animCamRadius.setKeys(keysRadius); animCamPosition.setKeys(keysPosition); animCamAlpha.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); animCamBeta.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); animCamRadius.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); animCamPosition.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); camera.animations.push(animCamAlpha); camera.animations.push(animCamBeta); camera.animations.push(animCamRadius); camera.animations.push(animCamPosition); scene.beginAnimation(camera, 0, 300, false, 2, function () { }); }; I attempted to animate the DOF the same but it seems that cannot be done, or I am doing it wrong. I tried like this, among other ways but this was my last attempt before wanting to rage flip my desk: var keysDofFocusDistance = [], keysDofApeture = []; var animDof = new BABYLON.Animation("animDof", 'setFocusDepth', 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT); keysDofFocusDistance.push({frame: 0, value: 4000}); keysDofFocusDistance.push({frame: 100, value: toRadius}); animDof.setKeys(keysDofFocusDistance); animDof.setEasingFunction(easingFunction); lensEffect.animations.push(animDof); scene.beginAnimation(lensEffect.setFocusDepth, 0, 100, false, 2, function () { console.log("animated DOF"); }); SO, is it possible to animate the depth of field focus (or any properties) at all? Why not allow it to use an object as a focal point? I'm new to babylon so maybe I am just missing something simple. I can modify the value using lensEffect.setFocusDistance(toRadius); but I would really like to get it animated some how. thanks, Charles EDIT: here is a playground