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  1. Hey guys, I have searched all over to figure this our but no luck. How do I enable the debug to show the bounding/collision boxes on sprites in Phaser 3? this was pretty easy to do in Phaser 2 but I dont see any docs on how to do this for 3. Thanks!!!
  2. I've noticed random drops of FPS in Chrome during a simple movement of a simple sphere. So I made a profile and the drop is clearly visible (suddenly down at 27 FPS). However, I have no idea what caused this to happen. There is nothing unusual to me within this profile. What can I do to dig deeper and eventually solve this problem? I doubt that it this is related with Babylon.js itself nor with my code... It's probably a Chrome issue - and it doesn't happen in Safari.
  3. I am trying to debug a problem with dynamicBitmapText The code was pretty much lifted out of phaser labs.io in preload() this.load.bitmapFont('robotoBitmap', 'media/roboto.png','media/roboto.fnt'); in create() scroller = this.add.dynamicBitmapText(200, 200,'robotoBitmap', scrollerContent, 18); scroller.setSize(200,200); in update(time,delta) scroller.scrollY += 0.03 * delta; if (scroller.scrollY > 200) { console.log('called!'); scroller.scrollY = 0; } global vars var scroller; var scrollerContent = ['line1','line2','line3']; I have entered the scene it is happening and with the console (chrome) i have inspected the "var scroller." Depth, Alpha, Visible, valid xy pos, xy height all fine, the content is there and the png and fnt files are not empty! I have put a console.log in the middle of the only update loop it is calling... if (scroller.scrollY > 200) { console.log('called!'); scroller.scrollY = 0; } and the console is logging 'called' every few seconds. What/Where to do/go next? Any ideas much appreciated!
  4. Hi all, currently I'm read master RICH's tutorial for improve performance by batch texture. when I use the firefox dev tools canvas capture in the article https://phaser.io/tutorials/advanced-rendering-tutorial/part5 it works when I use canvas renderer, but when I change to webgl, it can not capture the analysis. FF shows error and break the app. TypeError: methodSignatureEnums is not a function-----------------call-watcher.js:168:34 I tried many version of FF and phaser. none of them can work. is there anyone tried this before and works. please give me a workable FF version, many thanks
  5. url:https://forreall.cn/3ds/app/debugcloud/ This is a simple and efficient material debugging tool that allows you to upload your own model, and then export the unique identification of the url, like "babylonjs - playground", some of the above function on existing tools, such as: https://github.com/ssatguru/BabylonJS-EditControl, and now, it supports the material properties of very little, but we will extend the content later. You can simply modify the properties below PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial 、PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial 、 StandardMaterial 、light Here's a video demonstration
  6. mtburdon

    Show FPS

    Hi all, Quick question, I'm sure I've seen this in the examples but can't seem to be able to find it. How do you show the current FPS when debugging? Cheers.
  7. PocketDebug displays fps and timing graphs inside A HTML DOM Text element for maximum conciseness. Source & Docs Demo NPM pocketplot is the platform independent version . It can be used if you want to add a graph to A plain website. Looking forward to receive feedback (please do), ideas, contributions, optimizations so that the plugin can be enhanced for Phaser
  8. Hi, So, I've been following many tutorials but appear to be stuck at the first hurdle. I don't appear to be able to use the Debug Inspector if I'm using TypeScript and ES6 imports. I've setup my first scene using the initial tutorial (a sphere and a surface) on the website just fine using the TypeScript documentation (creating a Game class and so on). To do this in the ES6 way I import BabylonJS from node_modules by doing import * as BABYLON from 'babylonjs'; at the top of my .ts file and it works like a charm. Then I add this.scene.debugLayer.show(); to show the debug panel and I'm then faced with the following error in the Chrome debug console: babylon.inspector.bundle.js:408 Uncaught ReferenceError: BABYLON is not defined at INSPECTOR (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:408) at Object.t (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:408) at __webpack_require__ (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:21) at Object.<anonymous> (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:49) at __webpack_require__ (babylon.inspector.bundle.js:21) at babylon.inspector.bundle.js:41 at babylon.inspector.bundle.js:44 This is because it's absolutely right, the namespace BABYLON isn't included globally, my application is ES6, imports libraries where needed and then concatenates using Webpack. I moved to BabylonJS because it's dev team seemed to embrace TypeScript and ES6 but can't believe that something like this would have been overlooked? So that leads me to thinking I'm doing something wrong here. The only way I can see this working (which I found some libraries to do) is if the show() function to take the BABYLON object directly as an optional parameter, rather than expect for it to exist on the window (because it won't if you're importing ES6 style and webpacking). Open to thoughts and suggestions on this one as I'm new to BabylonJS. If I'm right with the above and it's just not something that has been done yet, I don't mind submitting a pull request.
  9. Hi, in my render function, I have the following: render: function() { this.game.debug.body(this.player); this.game.debug.body(this.redMonstarsGroup); }, Now, the player, has a little green box around him, however the monster (or the group of monsters) has nothing and I get a warning: " gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.source);" HOW TO I GET A LITTLE GREEN DEBUG BODY ON A GROUP OF OBJECTS?
  10. Hi everybody ! While I was writing my latest shader, I juste came up with annoying errors like this one : Guess what ? No, my typo is NOT at line 85. And I wondered why we couldn't have the real source code. The one after conversion, addition of defines and insertion of includes. Therefore the one where the typo actually IS at line 85. I know that getVertexShaderSource() function exists but it doesn't work without a successfully compiled program (and on success, no need of debugging). Guess what ? It's easy to get ! http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#YX38N7#3 (Open your console) I would like to know, @Deltakosh , would you be interested in a PR for that or is it already implemented somewhere/useless ? Because in my PR I had to compute again the migratedVertexCode and migratedFragmentCode values, but these ones are available when entering the Effect.noError callback in the _prepareEffect() function... If you're interested, I see two options : - Just returning the two values in the onError callback and let the user make something with that. - Or printing the source code with numbered lines by default exactly as you print the defines Just let me know what you think is better. PeapBoy
  11. I've recently been coding an infinite runner game in which the player is allowed to attack freely as they encounter obstacles and enemies. this being said, there is various objects that use collisions and physics bodies for collision detection and i have tried everything i have found to render the debug boxes to no avail. Attack = function() { Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, player.x + 15, player.y, 'Attack'); game.add.existing(this); game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); this.animations.add('attack'); this.animations.play('attack', 8, false, true); this.body.setSize(50, 80, 30, 0); this.body.allowGravity = false; this.body.immovable = true; game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * attackSpeed, setAttack, this); curAtk = this; }; //these set the variable 'Objects' Attack.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Attack.prototype.constructor = Enemy; //this checks conditions specific for the Attack Object made through the class every update. Attack.prototype.update = function() { this.x = player.x + 15; this.y = player.y; this.game.debug.bodyInfo(this); }; here is specifically the attacking object spawn which spawns the attack object, and on the last line of actual code i try to call the debug information to render. I'm not sure that this is the way to do it, but i have added the "render: render" to my game initialization and tried to call the code in that as well plus using the references within the examples as well and i cannot for the life of me figure out why the body's are not debugging allowing me to fine tune the desired collision areas. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. if more code is needed of what i have i can upload my JS files. Also a quick note, there are no error messages. and everything runs as expected aside from the debugging aspect and proper hit-box areas.
  12. Hello fellow devs I have used THIS template to create my own project. It all works well, but I am working with WebStorm and I am struggling to create a debug profile. I don't want to use the Google Chrome debug. Any ideas? P.S. I also read something about live mobile debug - is that straight on a device? If so - what kind of setup do I need to make such connection between my IDE and the device? Is it also possible to live-reload only the changes that have been made and not the whole game state?
  13. I need help. I was following a tutorial online for the Phaser States, and I did everything right (I think), but obviously, I've made some changes myself to fit to what I kind of want. Here is the code: var loadState = { preload: function() { // Load the BG Images (Before so we can have an awesome looking loading screen) game.load.image('redPlanet', '././assets/images/redplanet.png'); game.load.image('spaceBG', '././assets/images/spaceBG.png'); // Preload the one character we need to look awesome! game.load.image('scavenger', '././assets/images/Scavenger.png'); // Add the loading label and the character, so the player doesn't think the game crashed. var background = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'spaceBG'); background.scale.setTo(0.6); var character = game.add.sprite(80, 150, 'scavenger'); var loadingLabel = game.add.text(0, 0, 'Loading...', {font: '30px Courier', fill: '#fff'}); loadingLabel.alignTo(character, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, 16); // Load the Planet Images game.load.image('planet1', '././assets/images/Planet1.png'); game.load.image('planet2', '././assets/images/Planet2.png'); game.load.image('planet3', '././assets/images/Planet3.png'); game.load.image('planet4', '././assets/images/Planet4.png'); game.load.image('planet5', '././assets/images/Planet5.png'); game.load.image('planet6', '././assets/images/Planet6.png'); game.load.image('planet7', '././assets/images/Planet7.png'); game.load.image('planet8', '././assets/images/Planet8.png'); game.load.image('planet9', '././assets/images/Planet9.png'); game.load.image('planet10', '././assets/images/Planet10.png'); game.load.image('planet11', '././assets/images/Planet11.png'); game.load.image('planet12', '././assets/images/Planet12.png'); game.load.image('planet13', '././assets/images/Planet13.png'); game.load.image('planet14', '././assets/images/Planet14.png'); // Load the pause button game.load.image('pauseButton', '././assets/images/pauseButton.png'); } create: function() { game.state.start('menu'); } } And that is not all. Every single one of my state files has an error that says: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 1 and instead saw 'create'. Missing Semi-Colon. Unrecoverable Syntax Error (93% Scanned) Please help me, as this was going to be the way I made my game because I really like how organized states are!
  14. Did we change the Debug Layer to the ne Debug Layer the BabylonJS guys have been working on... If so... Has the API changed to test for visible and showing the debug layer... If not... i now all of sudden get an error when trying to bring up the debug layer (using latest dist preview release)... No message ... just a yellow exclamation sign. Any body else getting this with latest list preview (12/8/16) ???
  15. Hey guys, I have decided to start using webpack and ES6 with my games, I have managed to run a sample with 'npm start', however I am unable to debug it in WebStorm. I am using the example here: https://github.com/SvetoslavKuzmanov/phaser-game-boilerplate This is my debug configuration in the image. I would like to use npm directly from WebStorm and be able to debug my code with preview in the browser. Also I have heard that it is possible to have live editing set up, so my code changes will appear immediately in the browser. Has anyone done that?
  16. This is more of a questions really. Searched a bit around the issues, change-log and this forum but couldn't find an answer for it. I'm loading bunch of scripts dynamically via game.load.script. As expected I can't put brekapoints and debug those scripts. I'm aware of sourceURL solution, but couldn't get it working. Is there any way to put breakpoints and debug dynamically loaded scripts? Any help or information would be appreciated.
  17. I would like to prevent players from switching to any game state by typing "game.state.start('name');" into the console. Has anyone found a way to prevent this from happening? Imagine you have a login-screen and any user can just type "game.state.start('play');" into the console and skip straight into the game. I have already tried using anonymous functions and closures but the problem is that the other states such as BootState, MenuState, GameState etc cannot access the game object created from new Phaser.game. I cannot be the only one who's worried that users can simply skip any game state by typing one line into the console. How have others dealt with this security breach? I tried googling but couldn't find any posts about this whatsoever. Thanks in advance for all answers!
  18. I've just published the library called FConsole, which should help pixi.js developers with debugging visual elements (the same as it was with the Flash-Console in Flash). Demo site Features Display List Inspector Hierarchy Properties Editing Any feedback is welcomed!
  19. Hi there. I have phaser game project and I want to setup debugger for all phaser files from repository. I can build my own single-file phaser via npm, but it is not comfortable rebuild every time after such minor changes. So interesting, how @rich (for example) use debugger for phaser (single-file debugging, or for all separate files)? And how is correctly setup the project for debug core-code. I need include all core files into my own html file, or I can use some special hack or existing sources?
  20. Hi guys, I've been running profiles in Chrome dev tools on my game but having trouble making things run faster. I realize this is a hard question to ask, but can anyone point me in a direction of things to try? Play/test here: http://daverau.info/play/leafy-mobile/ - the game world is 50k pixels wide platform type game And uses arcade physics for Gravity - all assets are png retina so I'm scaling for high dpi but that doesn't seem to add my overhead - particle emitter is lightweight and doesn't seem to impact performance - I have about 500 platforms that all run collide checks, is there a way to only collide check what's in the camera view? - how can I better isolate what's causing memory leaks and max CPU performance? thanks for any help you can offer! I know it's hard to debug someone else's game but hoping for pointers.
  21. I try to turn on debugLayer but nothing is show, and no error in the javascript console. I only have one camera scene.debugLayer.show(true);
  22. Can anybody explain me why blender model shows for example 490 verts but bayblon export file in bayblon import meshes has 562 Vertices? (It is just default cube and default sphere create with blender. I have some model which have in blender around 2.027 but babylon (debug) after importing shows 22.776 ? (this is huge differences.) There are no double vertices, because I clean all doubles in blender! Why those differences of vertices between blender and babylon 3D environment ??? Please explain me what is happening here? greetings
  23. Hello, I've been following a Phaser spring example and I've been trying to remove the overlay sprite it draws on my circular physics body (I assume it adds this when I call body.setCircle(5)). Does anyone know how to remove this? I don't want to remove the body, I still want the physics, I just don't want the extra debug drawn sprite. Thanks
  24. Hello everyone, Does anyone of you know how I can disable the tilesprite debugging messages? example in the attachment Very Kind Regards, Cedric
  25. I got the latest babylon.js preview release build from git, and it seems like the statistics window from the debug layer is partially hidden. I tried it both in Chrome and Firefox. It doesn't happen with the stable 2.2 version.
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