Please send me in the right direction, this is what I am looking to do:
My GUI is a sphere
Clicking on the sphere activates the keyboard
While typing, letters are produced on the sphere
Pressing Enter will
if "#" begins string, js file with that name will run, example typing "#login" will run login.js
if no "#" begining string, then createsphere.js will run, creating a sphere with the text added to the sphere's texture
My real question at the moment, How do I display, WHILE TYPING, letters on a sphere?
my first naive thought was to have a text box on a plane, with the camera facing the back of the plane, camera would see no text or plane only a sphere on the other side of the plane and the sphere would be reflective so you could see the text reflected from the plane through the reflection on the sphere, LOL LOL!!!!! I quickly realised that the reflective quality is not actually reflecting, hahahaha, oh boy was that a good one