Let's say I have a variable "assets" that is an object and contains several sprites. Inside the update loop, I check the position of each sprite by iterating through the object. If a condition is true (the sprite is outside the game bounds), I want to wait a random amount of milliseconds and then give that sprite a new position without the need of destroying it and creating a new one. I want to use the same amount of sprites and continue re-spawning them until another condition is met (out of lives or whatever). I tried using setTimeout() but it does not work inside the loop. Furthermore, I'm having problems figuring out how to "freeze" one sprite while the rest keep moving (that means I cant pause the update loop, although I don't even know if that's possible). Please keep in mind that this is a mobile game and performance is important. Is it really worth the effort? Should I just kill them and spawn new ones? Thanks for reading.